2.3 Remarkable Research Activities
2.3.1 JERS-1 System Verification
JERS-1 system verification program was
proceeded after the launch of JERS-1 in
February, 1992 by domestic and international
Principal Investigators, MITI and NASDA. The
program was combined with ERS-1 system
verification. It continued until March,1995 and
the result reporting meeting was held on
November 29 to December 1 in 1994 in Tokyo.
2.3.2 International Project in Asia and
Pacific Region
Global Research Network System(GRNS) was
initiated by Science and Technology
Agency(STA) in 1993 and will continue five
years. Its aim is to establish human and
information network in Asia and Pacific region.
As the actual activities, various data sets have
been created with the cooperation of relating
institutes of Japan and several countries in Asia
and Pacific region. STA also has been
organizing an international project for
microwave remote sensing application in tropical
regions with four ASEAN countries, which was
initiated in 1992 and will continue until March in
2.3.3 The Great Hanshin-Awaji
There was a large earthquake at Kobe City and
Awaji Island in January, 1995 and more than six
thousand peoples were killed. Many projects for
assessment and investigation of the damage and
the cause of the earthquake were organized. In
remote sensing filed, many institutes/
organizations/ universities such as NASDA,
Remote Sensing and Technology Center
(RESTEC), National Institute for Earth Science
and Disaster Prevention (NIESDP),
Geographical Survey Institute (GSI), Geological
Survey of Japan (GSJ), Earth Remote Sensing
Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC), Tokai
University, etc., were involved in studies for
application of satellite remote sensing data.
2.3.4 SAR Data Analysis and
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996
Many intensive studies for Synthetic Aperture
Radar(SAR) data analysis has been conducted
using JERS-1 and ERS-1 SAR data mainly in a
framework of JERS-1 verification program. The
main targets were the basic data calibration and
correction and information extraction for
vegetation, agriculture, forestry, land use,
geology and oceanic phenomena. Also SAR
interferometry has been recognized to be a
promising technology because it succeeded to
detect the displacement by the Great Hanshin-
Awaji Earthquake.
2.3.5 Data Set Creation
Various products for global or regional
monitoring using satellite data sources have been
developed using NOAA, MOS-1 and JERS-1
data. Some of them were developed as a part of
ISY activities. The data set examples are
Vegetation Data Set in South-East Asia, Asian
Land Cover Data Set, Sea Surface Temperature
Data Set around Japan, Polar Extent Ice Data Set
in Antarctica and Okhotsk, MESSR Mosaicked
Data Set in Indo-China and SAR Mosaicked
Data Set in Amazon. These activities will be
expanded with the data set creation using
ADEOS data.
The developments of GIS in Japan during 1992-
96 are as follows.
3.1 Expansion of the use of GIS to
smaller local governments
GIS has been used mainly by large cities with
more than one million population such as Tokyo,
Osaka and Yokohama. Similarly in private
company, only large companies such as Tokyo
Gas have developed and used GIS. This is
because the preparation of database for the
installation of GIS costs much and only large
organizations have staffs who have enough
technical knowledge about GIS. However in the
past four years, many smaller local governments
with the population of 100,000 - 500,000 have
started to use GIS. The reasons of this
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