Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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(7) Geoinformatics in China 
Proceedings of international symposiums in this field 
held in China include: 
(1) Facing the Chance and Challenge, Proceedings of 
the International Symposium of ISPRS Commission VI, 
Beijing, October 10 - 13, 1994. 
(2) Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS, 
Proceedings of the First International Colloquium of 
LIESMARS, Wuhan, May 1992. 
(3) Advances in Urban Spatial Information and Analysis, 
Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium of 
LIESMARS, Wuhan, October 1993. 
(4) Integration, Automation and Intelligence in 
Photogrammetry, | Remote Sensing and GIS, 
Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium of 
LIESMARS, Wuhan, October 1994. 
(5) Towards Three Dimensional., Temporal and Dynamic 
Spatial Data Modelling and Analysis, Proceedings of the 
Fourth International Colloquium of LIESMARS, Wuhan, 
October 1995. 
Chen, Jin and Shi, Peijun (1995): The Preliminary Study 
of Design of Temporal GIS Based on Spatiotemporal 
Data, Remote Sensing of Environment China, Vol.10, 
No.2, 1995. 
Chen, Jun (1995): Extending Space-Time Composite 
Model for Describing Land Subdivision Process, 
Proceedings of Geoinformatics '95 Hong Kong, May 26- 
28, 1995, Hong Kong. 
Chen, Jun et al. (1995): Representing Temporal Attribute 
in GISs Using Non-1NF Approach, Journal of WTUSM, 
Vol.20, No.1,1995. 
Chen, Xiaoyong (1992): A Compact Data Structure for 
Regular Storage of Triangulated Irregular Network of 
DEM, Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, Vol.21, 
No.3, 1992. 
Feng, Wenhao (1994): Deduction of Constraint 
Condition in the Calibration of Stereo-Vision System, 
Journal of WTUSM, Vol.19, No.2,1994. 
Feng, Wenhao and Li, Xin (1992) Light Section 
Photogrammetry and Its Application, Journal of WTUSM, 
Vol.17, No.4, 1992. 
Feng, Wenhao et al. (1994) A Moire Topographic 
Experiment, Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 
Vol.23, No.4,1994. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 
Feng, Wenhao et al. (1995) A Structured-Light 
Photogrammetric System Based on Laser Theodolite, 
International Archives of Photogr. and RS, Vol.30, 
Part 5, March 1-4, 1995, Melbourne. 
‘Ge, Renyan (1993) Automation of Geometric 
Calibration of CCD Camera Array, Journal of. WTUSM, 
Vol.18, No.2, 1993. 
Gong, Jianya and Li, Deren (1995): Development 
Direction of GIS Software and Design of GeoStar, 
Journal of WTUSM, Vol.20, Supplement, 1995. 
Guo, Dazhi et al. (1993): A Spatial and Temporal 4-D 
Data Model for Mine GIS, Acta Geodaetica et 
Cartographica Sinica, Vol.22, No.1, 1993. 
Huang, Guilan and Zheng, Zhaobao (1995a): The 
Application of Fuzzy Assemble Analysis in the 
Classification of Image Texture Based on Fractal 
Geometry, Journal of WTUSM, Vol.20, No.2, 1995. 
Huang, Guilan and Zheng Zhaobao (1995b): On the 
Application of Spatial Gray Level Dependance Method in 
Image Texture Classification, Journal of WTUSM, Vol.20 
No.4, 1995. 
Huang, Guilan and Zheng Zhaobao (1995c) The 
Application of Fractal in the Classification of Image 
Texture, Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 
Vol.24, No.4, 1995. 
Jiang, Wensheng et al. (1993): Effects of Atmospheric 
Presure on the Interior Orientation Elements about Aerial 
Survey Camera, Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica 
Sinica, Vol.22, No.1,1993. 
Li, Deren and Cheng, Tao (1994): KDG-Knowledge 
Discovery from GIS-Propositions on the Use of KDD in 
an Intelligent GIS, Proceedings/ACTES, The Canadian 
Conference on GIS, June 6-10, 1994, Ottawa. 
Li, Deren and Shao, Juliang (1994a): The Wavelet and 
Its Application in Image Edge Detection, ISPRS Journal 
of Photogr. and RS, Vol.49, No.3, June, 1994. 
Li, Deren and Shao, Juliang (1994b): House Extraction 
with Multiresolution Analysis and Information Fusion, 
International Archives of Photogr. and RS, Vol.30, Part 
3/2, Sept. 5-9,1994, Munich, Germany. 
Li, Deren and Wang Shugen (1994a): Research on the 
Ground Positioning of Satellite Based GPS under CCD 
Pushbroom Scanning Mode, Journal of WTUSM, Vol.19, 
No.3, 1994. 
Li, Deren et al. (1994b): Automatic Quality Diagnosis 
Method for Digital Image Matching, International 

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