Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

these private companies rent the aircraft when need arises. 
Since there are few ideal flying days per year this explains 
why so many cameras are available in such a small country. 
2.2 Activities of the Swiss private photogrammetrists 
Private photogrammetric companies have contributed 
substantially to accomplish large projects based on aerial 
photography in the last four years. The collection of basic 
geographic data on a national and a cantonal level was one 
of the most important tasks. In conjunction with the 
establishment of land information systems the layers of 
surface coverage and digital terrain models were compiled 
to meet the requirements of the Official Cadastral Survey 
and of large construction projects. 
One project worth mentioning is the determination of the 
perimeter of the AlpTransit trajectory for the Swiss federal 
railways. Also for the Swiss federal railways 
photogrammetry made it possible to establish along all the 
main railway lines a 3D model based on which a noise 
impact cadastre was created. 
The digital orthophoto has proven to be a innovative 
product with a high potential for very diverse future 
applications. For this purpose large aerial surveys where 
carried out by various cities and cantons. 
Photogrammetry has established itself firmly as the method 
for forest health inventories and for basic flood control 
mapping. The latter was carried out mainly by means of 
helicopter-borne aerial photography. 
Swiss private photogrammetric companies have also been 
active abroad mainly to help establish cadastral information 
systems (partly based on digital orthophotos) and to help 
put into operation cartographic production lines. 
3.1 Analytical and digital photogrammetry 
Shortly before the ISPRS Congress in Kyoto 1988 a historic 
change in the photogrammetric industry in Switzerland took 
place: Wild Heerbrugg and Kern Aarau had been brought 
together and the first digital stereoplotter DSP1 was shown 
on the common booth. 
In 1990 both companies were integrated into the LEICA 
holding company together with 5 other high-tech 
companies. A careful analysis of market and technology in 
the field of Digital Photogrammetry led to a partnership 
between Leica and Helava. The ISPRS Congress in 
Washington (1992) was the appropriate occasion to 
announce this partnership. 
Between 1992 and 1996 Helava and Leica together have 
established themselves as a provider of leading edge 
technology in the field of digital photogrammetric 
workstations and scanners. 
3.2 Photogrammetric developments within Leica 
Intense efforts continue to be invested in Leica's complete 
range of photogrammetric product lines: 
* RC30 / ASCOT aerial camera system 
* SD2000 / 3000 line of analytical stereoplotters 
* DVP entry level digital photogrammetric workstation 
* HELAVA digital photogrammetric systems 
* INFOCAM land information system 
* Laser Tracker to digitise moving industrial objects 
* Axyz a multi-sensor industrial 3D measuring SW 
e V-STARS for digital industrial photogrammetry 
The Helava line continues to evolve very rapidly. The 
DSW200 scanner and the DPW670/770 are now available 
on the Sun Ultra host workstation and not only on the 
SPARCstation. The new Creator 3D graphics offers first 
class stereoscopic viewing and many of the latest Indy and 
Indigo workstations from Silicon graphics are also available. 
The current release of SOCET SET, software for the DPWs 
includes all around improvements such as HATS (Helava 
Automated Triangulation System), image map production 
with PostScript output, feature extraction with semi- 
automated tools promising real advances in productivity. 
The popular ATLAS and PRO600/MicroStation packages 
for map compilation continue to improve and the latter is 
supplemented by a new optional module, TerraModeler 
from the Finnish company TerraSolid OY, for the 
manipulation of digital terrain models. 
On the SD line of analytical instruments the ORIMA 
software is becoming established as the standard software 
under Windows and customers throughout the world are 
keen to upgrade earlier models of Kern, Wild and Leica 
analytical plotters in order to gain the advantages of the 
latest developments. 
Version 6 of INFOCAM runs under the Solaris 2.x operating 
system on Sun workstations and thus shares this platform 
with the Helava line. 
Aerial Visionics Systems 
In 1993 Leica acquired Magnavox Navigation and 
Positioning Systems. The complete integration of GPS 
receivers into the aerial camera system allowed to reduce 
the amount of ground control needed for aerotriangulation 
even further. The first step was to incorporate GPS 
navigation into the Leica RC30 aerial camera system 
providing perfect flight planning and flight execution - the 
ASCOT aerial survey control tool was born. The second 
step was to integrate GPS phase measurements, GPS post 
processing, aerotriangulation and bundle block adjustment 
into a reliable data processing chain to determine precise 
perspective centre co-ordinates. This Combined Block 
Adjustment method (CBA) which only requires 2 single 
frequency GPS receivers, one in the air and one on the 
ground, gives the aircraft an unprecedented operating 
radius of 500 km with resulting decimetre accuracies for the 
perspective centres. Ground control can be reduced to four 
full control points in the corners of the block. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 
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