phy" document was published in PE&RS for review and
comment by the ASPRS membership. Following evalua-
tion of all comments, PPD will revise the draft document
and publish the guidelines as an ASPRS publication.
ASPRS, as a result of a PPD initiative, is sponsoring “First-
Time Conference Attenders" receptions at the annual and
GIS/LIS conferences. These events enable the officers and
board members of ASPRS to meet and to welcome those
attending conventions for the first time, and to encourage
membership and participation in ASPRS technical division
and committee activities.
The new PPD Legal and Ethical Committec, was formed to
provide a focus and mechanism for dealing with legal and/
or ethical issues that arise within ASPRS. To date, the
committee has addressed two requests from ASPRS mem-
bers for amicus curiae letters.
Another new ASPRS committee has been formed to deal
with public relations issues. The committee plans to pro-
vide ASPRS a venue for participation by members in
increasing the visibility of the Society within the commu-
nity at large.
PPD developed federal job classification standards for the
GIS and the remote sensing specialties in cooperation with
the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. These standards
were undergoing review when the National Performance
Review reinvented the personnel management system of the
U.S. Government, eliminating the opportunity to create new
job series.
PPD developed a draft Guidelines for Federal Procurement
of A&E Services for Photogrammetric and Cartographic
Work. The draft guidelines were reviewed by the member-
ship but further work halted due to conflicting priorities.
The future emphasis of PPD activities will focus on the
certification programs, the written examination for photo-
grammetrists, national and international standards, legal
and ethical issues, technical program sponsorship, and other
initiatives that contribute to the continued well-being of the
ASPRS membership with respect to professional practice. :
- The Scholarship Committee oversees the large ASPRS
scholarship program, with a history that extends over most
of the Society’s 62 years of existence. Investments in the
outstanding students of today are one of the ways the
Society supports development and future growth in both the
Society itself and its members. Currently ASPRS offers 5
annual awards:
Robert E. Altenhofen Memorial Scholarship - To
encourage and commend students who display excep-
tional interest and ability in the theoretical aspects of
EOSAT Award for Applications of Digital Landsat
TM Data - To support remote sensing education and
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996
stimulate the development of applications of digital
Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data.
William A. Fischer Memorial Scholarship Award -
To facilitate graduate-level studies and career goals
that address new and innovative uses of remote sensing
techniques that relate to natural, cultural, or agri-
cultural resources of the Earth.
Leica Inc. Photogrammetric Fellowship Award - To
encourage and assist graduate and undergraduate stu-
dents to pursue education in photogrammetry or sur-
veying and promote the development of photogram-
metric sciences.
Ta Liang Memorial Award - To facilitate research-
related travel for an outstanding graduate student in
remote sensing.
- In 1994 the ASPRS made a decision to adopt state-of-the
art information technology by connecting its headquarters
office to the Internet. Connectivity was implemented early
in 1995, with capability for electronic mail and text-only
browsing. All headquarters staff were given e-mail and
Internet training. Later in 1995 the headquarters office
upgraded to multimedia browsing and a faster data connec-
tion. Early in 1995 the need was recognized for the creation
of an Electronic Communications Committee (ECC). Its
first meeting took place at the 1995 Annual Convention. By
late 1995 the ASPRS home page «
asprs> had become completely operational and was moved
to an Internet provider local to the ASPRS headquarters
office. Currently the ECC is coordinating efforts. with
ASPRS staff for maintenance and expansion of the home
page, encouraging the development of home pages for each
ASPRS region, and developing a procedure for electronic
publishing of PE&RS award-winning papers. A home page
editor position has been established to provide oversight,
develop home page guidelines, and to interface with the
PE&RS editor.
- Twenty one years ago the ASPRS established a Certified
Photogrammetrist Program. After 16 years of successful
program application, it was modified to require recertifica-
tion of certified persons every five years to assure profi-
ciency with modern standards and also established two
Certified Mapping Scientist categories - the Remote Sens-
ing Scientist and the GIS/LIS Scientist. The main responsi-
bilities are: evaluate applicants and recommend appropri-
ate actions; maintain integrity of the program by assuring
evaluations are performed according to standards; continu-
ously evaluate the program to assure the requirements for
certification are adequate to assure protection of the health
and welfare of the public; and in cooperation with the
Professional Practice Division, study the needs nationwide
for certification and possible registration by States and
other governing bodies and assist them in their programs.
The program is a voluntary one available to all in the
profession. It has made great strides in the U.S. and in other
countries. Its popularity stems from the fact that users of the
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