Prof. em. Friedrich Ackermann
Institute of Photogrammetry
University of Stuttgart
Keplerstr. 11, 70174 Stuttgart
ISPRS Commission II
KEY WORDS: Kinematic GPS, ambiguity solutions.
OEEPE has started experimental investigations into the accuracy and reliability of fast OTF ambiguity solutions, based on controlled test flights
in Norway and Germany. The paper reports about first results of the testflight Vaihingen by the pilot centre Stuttgart. Ambiguity solutions were
successfully obtained up to distances of 386 km to the GPS ground stations, although the restored trajectories after signal interruption show
small discontinuities and biases. The comparison with check values at camera air stations (by aerial triangulation) showed no accuracy
dependency on distance to ground station (with one exception in z), but confirmed sytematic errors. The results are preliminary, awaiting
completion of the additional tests.
1.1 Biased ambiguity solutions
High precision airborne kinematic GPS positioning by differential
phase observations has been applied in photogrammetry for several
years. A particularly successful field of application has been GPS
camera positioning for aerial triangulation, by which ground control
points could be greatly reduced.
The main problem has been, from the beginning, the question of
obtaining continuous and absolute GPS flight trajectories. There has
always been the risk of signal interruption during flying, especially
during flight turns. Such interruptions had to be accepted as real, not
being completely and safely avoidable. Software methods for re-
establishing ambiguity solutions were not available, for a long time.
The only accessible practical approach was, therefore, to re-solve for
ambiguities, after interruption, on the basis of the less precise C/A
code pseudo-range positioning. The resulting ambiguity solutions
were biased, in this case, and there remained discontinuities in the
GPS trajectories. And, the subsequent parts of a GPS trajectory
showed systematic (drift) errors which, fortunately, remained
approximately linear for some short time afterwards. Such potential
(constant and linear) GPS drift errors could be described by linear
correction terms which - in the case of aerial triangulation - were
applied and solved for during the combined block adjustment. That
approach represented a most successful engineering solution to the
problem and has worked very well in practice. There was, however,
one condition attached: In order to avoid singularities in the block
solution some additional GPS controlled cross-strips had to be flown
and used in the combined block adjustment. For general reasons the
drift parameters were usually applied per strip. Also, it became
customary, to rely on a few ground control points, for solving the
datum problem. The method of linear GPS corrections implied that
any additional constant or linear errors were compensated as well.
That method has worked very well. It is accurate, reliable, safe.
Many aerial triangulation projects have been treated in this way,
without any problems. It is a special advantage, too, of the method
that the ground receiver station can be placed at great distance from
the mission area, up to 500 km or more, which sometimes is highly
essential. Also the conventional single frequency GPS receivers were
applicable. Recent additional developments (2 GPS antennae on the
aircraft, more than 1 ground receiver station) have made the system
safer, but are not considered mandatory.
It can be summarized that the approximate resp. biased ambiguity
solutions of the method are unable to provide absolute GPS positions
nor continuous trajectories. The post-solution via combined block
adjustment is restricted to GPS application for aerial triangulation, i.e.
in combination with aerial photo coverage. Other sensors (e.g. laser
scanner) rely, however, on absolute GPS positioning. Hence, that
method could and can only be considered an intermediate solution,
awaiting more sophisticated techniques for fast ambiguity solutions,
also known as OTF (on the fly) methods.
1.2 Fast OTF ambiguity solutions
The recent development of GPS hardware and software has changed
the situation. Fast OTF solutions have been developed, based on dual
frequency receivers. They are to provide continuous GPS trajectories
by correctly restoring the ambiguity solutions after signal
interruption. Successful applications have been reported. The method
has started to be applied in practice.
Only, the reliability of the method has remained unclear. Seemingly,
the method does not always give successful solutions if the distance
between roving and stationary GPS receivers is large. It is
understood, more or less, to remain within a distances of 50 km,
preferably 30 km, in order to be safe. Also, it is not really known on
what effects the reliability might depend. Practical application can
accomodate to such restrictions, in many cases. Nevertheless, larger
ranges would be highly desirable.
1.3 Experimental tests by OEEPE
In that problem situation the European Organisation for experimental
photogrammetric research (OEEPE) decided to take up experimental
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996