Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

Bodechtel J.*, Frei, M.*, Henkel, J.*, Lei Q.*, Mehl, H.*, Preissler, H.* & Kaufmann, H.** 
* AGF - Working Group Remote Sensing, Institute for General and Applied Geology, 
University of Munich - LMU, Luisenstr. 37, 80333 Muenchen, Germany 
**GFZ - GeoResearch Center Potsdam 
Telegrafenberg A 17 - 14473 Potsdam, Germany 
Commission I, Symposium 96 
KEY WORDS: MOMS-02, MOMS -2P, Multispectral imagery, High-resolution imagery 
The development of the Modular Optoelectronic Multispectral Stereo Scanner MOMS started with MOMS-01 in 1979. A further 
experiment MOMS-02/D2 was flown 1993 on the Space Shuttle mission STS-55. The development will be continued this year 
with the start of the MOMS-2P sensor on the Russian Space Station Mir/Priroda. 
The MOMS-02 sensor was successfully launched on board of the Second German Spacelab Mission D2 on Space Shuttle flight 
STS-55 from April 26 to May 6 1993. The MOMS-02 system itself is a combination of two modules, a panchromatic, high- 
resolution stereo module with one nadir-looking (resolution 4.2 m x 4.2 m) and two tilted channels as well as 4-channel 
multispectral module covering the visible (VIS) and near infrared (NIR) range of the electromagnetric spectrum at 12.8 m x 12.8 m 
ground resolution. The width and centre wavelength of the multispectral spectral bands are optimised for the detection of the 
spectral response of vegetation and for the discrimination of Fe-bearing rock and soil surfaces due to significant absorptions in the 
VIS/NIR spectral range. This paper gives an assessment of the MOMS-02/D2- and intended MOMS-2P mission, the data quality 
and an overview on the methodological approaches and application orientated investigations for various geoscientific significant 
After the successful experimental mission on Spacelab D2, MOMS-02 will be deployed in 1996 on the Russian space platform 
MIR incorporated in the environmental PRIRODA module. This promising mission, offers the opportunity of multisensor data 
registration covering the Earth within the latitudes +/- 51.6° with a repetition rate of 2 to 7 days. It is considered as an 
indispensable step to achieve high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution environmental monitoring at a continental to global 
scale with free flyer satellite missions planned for the late 90th. 
1. INTRODUCTION stereoscopic data (Ackermann et al. 1989; Bodechtel et al. 
1990). To meet these goals, 3 panchromatic bands for inflight 
MOMS-02 is the technological continuation of MOMS-01, stereo capabilities and 4 spectral bands were defined in the 
which was the first instrument in space using the "push broom visible (VIS) and near infrared (NIR) range of the elec- 
scan" principle. It was successfully flown aboard the Space tromagnetic spectrum. Width and centre wavelength of these 
Shuttle missions STS-7 and STS-11/41-B in 1983 and 1984 bands are optimised for the detection of the spectral response 
(Bodechtel et al. 1985) mounted on the Shuttle PAllet of vegetation and for the discrimination of Fe-bearing rock and 
Satellite SPAS and built by MBB, Munich. MOMS-02, built soil surfaces due to significant absorptions in the VIS/NIR 
by DASA, Munich, was launched aboard the Second German spectral range (Kaufmann et al., 1989). With the same system 
Spacelab Mission D2 on Space Shuttle flight STS-55 and parameters MOMS-2P will cover large areas world-wide 
aquired data between April 26 and May 6 1993. during the PRIRODA mission on the Russian MIR station from 
1996 to 1998. 
In comparison with other optical sensors of Earth Observation 
Satellites the advantages of MOMS are a better spatial 2. TECHNICAL PARAMETERS FOR 
resolution, better band positioning, reduced bandwidth and MOMS-02 AND MOMS-2P 
inflight stereo possibilities. The comparison is given in Fig. 1. 
MOMS-01 was based on a dual lens principle to cover a swath 
The photogrammetric and geoscientific goals of the MOMS- of 140 km with 4 CCD arrays (each with 1728 photosensitive 
02/D2 mission were focused on the combination of topographic ^ elements) and had 2 spectral bands in the red and near 
and spectral information, which are derived from the infrared. The experiences gained during the missions 1983/84 
simultaneously acquired multispectral, multiresolution and ^ and components of the hardware served for the development of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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