Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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6. Conclusions and Preview of the Future MOMS 
The technical design of the MOMS instrument is based on up 
to date sensor, optic and electronic technologies resulting in 
narrow spectral bands at reasonable SNR values. The position 
of the multispectral bands were determined with respect to the 
optimisation of vegetation and pedological/geological feature 
extraction. Results from simulated data and first assessments 
of transmitted raw data lead to the conclusion that considerable 
improvements can be expected through improved spatial and 
spectral resolution combined with stereo capabilities as 
compared to existing operational sensors. 
The along-track stereo acquisition capability of the MOMS 
sensor allows the evaluation of DEM's from data registered 
under the same irradiation conditions. This will be useful not 
only for photogrammetric purposes, but also for the inter- 
pretation of spectral response in regions with orographically 
developed topography. 
After the successful experimental mission on Spacelab D2, the 
MOMS camera will be deployed in May 1996 on the Russian 
space platform MIR incorporated in the environmental earth 
observation module PRIRODA. This promising mission, offers 
the opportunity of multisensor data registration covering the 
Earth within the latitudes + 51.6? with a repetition rate of 2 to 
7 days. Free flyer satellite missions, which are planned for the 
late 90th, are considered as an essential step to accomplish 
data with a high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution for an 
environmental monitoring at local to global scale. 
Ackermann F., Bodechtel J., Dorrer E., Ebner H., Kaufmann 
H., Koch B., Lanzl F., Seige P., Winkenbach H. & Zilger 
J., 1989: "MOMS-02/D2- Wissenschaftsplan", pp.85, DLR, 
Bodechtel J., Haydn R., Zilger J., Meissner D., Seige P. & 
Winkenbach H., 1985: MOMS-01 "Missions and Results" - 
in: Monitoring Earth's Ocean,'Land and Atmosphere from 
Space - Sensors, Systems, and Applications, ed. by 
SCHNAPF A. - Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics 
Series, Vol.97, American Inst. of Aeronautics and 
Bodechtel J. et al. 1984: STEREO-MOMS, Nutzeran- 
forderungen an einen satellitengetragenen Stereo-MOMS, 
BMFT  Forschungsbericht 01 QS  150-ZA/WF/WEO 
Bodechtel J. & Jutz S., 1990: "MOMS-02: Geological 
Applications of a Multispectral Stereo Imaging System for 
the Second German Spacelab Mission D2 in Arid Zones of 
Australia", Proc. of the 5th Australian Remote Sensing 
Conf. Oct.90, pp. 
DLR, 1993: MOMS-02 STS 55 Data Take Information, 
Volume 1 of 4. Internal report Institut f. Optoelektronik, 
Oberpfaffenhofen, May 1993. 
Kaufmann H., Meissner D., Bodechtel J. & Behr F.J., 1989: 
"Design of Spectral and Panchromatic Bands for the 
German MOMS-02 Sensor", Photogr. Engineering and 
Rem. Sens., Vol.55, No.6, pp.875-881. 
Ziger J. et al, DARA, 1991: Nutzungskonzept für die 
präoperationelle Mission des Modularen Optoelek- 
tronischen Multispektral-Stereo-Scanners MOMS-02 auf 
dem Modul PRIRODA der russischen Raumstation MIR 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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