Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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Spatial data, used in GIS, is data with a geographic com- 
ponent, such as maps, aerial photography, satellite ima- 
gery, and rainfall data, borehole data etc. Many of these 
data will have a different projection and coordinate sy- 
stem, and need to be brought to a common map basis, in 
order to superimpose them. GIS allows for the combinati- 
on of these different kinds of spatial data, with non-spatial 
attribute data, and use them as input data in complex 
models. One of the main advantages of the use of the 
powerful combination techniques of a GIS, is the evalua- 
tion of several scenarios, and the analysis of the sensiti- 
vity of the models by varying some of the input data. 
Widely known are the potentials of applications of data 
from satellites to predict weather-related disastrous phe- 
nomena such as extreme storms and rainfall. This paper 
is concentrating on geology-related natural disasters. As 
these disaster types are concerned with natural pheno- 
mena with wide variations in characteristics, size, speed 
of development, etc., the following paragraphs will con- 
centrate separately on the role of satellite remote sensing 
in the reduction of the following three types of geological 
hazards: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides. 
3.1 Earthquakes 
The area affected by earthquakes are generally large (in 
the order of 102 - 104 km?), but they are restricted to well- 
known regions (e.g. plate contacts). Typical recurrence 
periods vary from decades to centuries. Observable as- 
sociated features include fault rupture, damage due to 
ground shaking, liquifaction, landslides, fires and floods. 
The following aspects play an important role: distance 
from active faults, geological structure, soil types, depth 
of the water table, topography, and construction types of 
In the phase of disaster prevention satellite remote sen- 
sing can play an important role in the mapping of active 
faults, using neotectonic studies using Landsat TM/SPOT 
or radar, and in the measurement of fault displacements, 
using satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Global Positioning 
System (GPS), or radar interferometry. So far the most 
important data for seismic hazard zonation is derived 
from seismic networks. In seismic microzonation, the use 
of satellite remote sensing is very limited, since the data 
is derived from accelerometers, geotechnical mapping, 
groundwater modelling, and topographic modelling at 
large scales. Earthquakes cannot be predicted with the 
current state of knowledge, and therefore also satellite 
remote sensing cannot play a role in the phase of 
earthquake disaster preparedness. In the phase of 
disaster relief, they can only play a role in the identificati- 
on of large associated features (such as landslides). 
Structural damage to buildings cannot be observed with 
the poor resolution of the current spaceborne scanning or 
radar systems. 
3.2 Volcanic Eruptions 
The areas affected by volcanic eruptions are generally 
small (« 100 km?), and restricted to well-known regions. 
The distribution of volcanos is also well known, however, 
due to missing or very limited historical records, the dis- 
tribution of active volcanos is not (especially in developing 
countries). Many volcanic areas are densely populated. 
Volcanic eruptions can lead to a large diversity of 
processes, such as explosion (Krakatau, Mount St. He- 
lens), pyroclastic flow (Mt. Pelee, Pinatubo), lahars 
(Nevado del Ruiz, Pinatubo), lava flows (Hawai, Etna), 
and ashfall (Pinatubo, El Chincon). V Volcanic ash clouds 
can be distributed over large areas, and may have consi- 
derable implications for air-traffic and weather conditions. 
Satellite remote sensing can be used in the phase of 
disaster preparedness for the distribution and type map- 
ping of the of volcanic deposits using Landsat TM, SPOT, 
or Radar. For the determination of the eruptive history 
other types of data are required, such as morphological 
analysis, tephra chronology, and lithological composition. 
Volcanic eruptions occur within minutes to hours, but are 
mostly preceded by clear precursors, such as fumarolic 
activity, seismic tremors, and surface deformation 
(bulging). The thermal band of Landsat TM can be used 
to monitor the thermal characteristics of a volcano, and 
radar interferometry in the measurement of surface de- 
formation. NOAA-AVHRR data can be used to monitor 
lava flows or ash plumes. Meteosat, GOES or TOMS 
(Nimbus-7) can be used to monitor the extent of volcanic 
ash clouds and the SO» content. 
Using SIR-C/X-SAR multi-frequency two-pass interfero- 
metric radar imagery Lanari et al. (1996) [7] performed a 
(non classical) textural analysis by estimating fractal fBm 
parameters over Mount Etna. Furthermore, fractal analy- 
sis proved that the pivoting median filter strongly reduces 
the high frequency artifacts that affect interferometric 
SAR DEMs, and, on the other hand, makes geological 
features definitively more apparent. This analysis also 
showed that the multi-frequency fusion of SAR data pre- 
serves all the geological content. In their trailblazing pa- 
per the authors state that future developments of the 
proposed technique for the generation of multi-frequency, 
two-pass interferometric SAR DEMs combined with the- 
matic information promise an extremly high potential for 
volcanic disaster issues. 
3.3 Landslides and Other Mass Movements 
Individual landslides are generally small (0.001 - 1 km?), 
but they are very frequent in certain mountain regions. 
Landslides occur in a large variety, depending on the type 
of movement (slide, flow, fall), the speed of movement 
(mm/year - m/sec), the material involved (rock, soil), and 
the triggering mechanism (earthquake, rainfall, human 
In the phase of disaster prevention satellite imagery with 
sufficient spatial resolution and stereo capability (SPOT) 
can be used to make an inventory of the past landslides, 
and to collect data on the relevant parameters involved 
(soils, geology, slope, geomorphology, landuse, hydrolo- 
gy, rainfall, faults etc.) In the phase of disaster prepared- 
ness use could be made of the same systems applied for 
the prediction of floods (see Section 3.1). Monitoring of 
displacements of large landslides can be performed with 
radar interferometry. The assessment of damage using 
satellites is only possible if the spatial distribution is very 
high, or if the individual landslides are large. 
An important interpretation element for both lithological 
and structural analysis of SAR with respect to mass mo- 
vements is the drainage pattern. In general, the geomor- 
phological detail and the synoptic view of a density of a 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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