Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

drainage pattern are closely related to the lithology, i.g. 
resistence to erosion, permeability of the ground, slope 
angle, and tectonic control. 
One reason why imaging radar is useful for mass move- 
ments applications is ist sensitivity to surface roughness 
and slope. The intensity of radar backscatter strongly 
depends on the local slope and is also affected by smal- 
ler-scale surface roughness (Pettengil et al., 1986). The 
roughness of a surface serves as an important attribute in 
The change detection method minimises the impact of 
target variables such as soil texture, roughness, and 
vegetation, because these tend to change slowly, if it all. 
Also fortunatly for many hydrologic applications, the 
changes in soil moisture may be more important than the 
actual monitoring (Engman 1991; Lichtenegger 1992). 
Spaceborne SARs are well-suited for soil moisture inve- 
stigations over large areas. For instance, a SAR flown 
800 km altitude with incidence angles of 17° to 23° would 
terrain analysis and is often closely related to the cover a swath of approximatly 100 km. 5 
(underlying) geological substrate. Roughness may also 
be caused by weathering processes, soil composition, or = 
vegetation associations. In areas where the surface is 4. CONCLUDING REMARKS 
unvegetated and dry, in arid or semiarid regions, deep 
penetration is possible. On the other hand the penetration In Table 2 a summary of the usefulness of satellite re- G 
capabilities in densily vegetation-covered regions are mote sensing in the different phases of disaster mana- PI 
hampered by surface and volume scattering. It depends gement for flooding, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and "R 
on what one is looking for, either to perform topographic landslides is given. From this table it can be concluded as 
analysis or to investigate vegetational effects the obtained that most promising results can be expected in the fields ES 
results will be completely different. The depth of penetra- of. volcanic eruptions and flooding, as both types of [C 
tion of electromagnetic waves normally incident from air disasters result in features that are clearly recognisable LM 
or space onto the earth increases with longer wave- with the use of satellite imagery. Earthquakes and lands- Sc 
lengths and also with a decrease in the attenuation losses lides generally result in damages to objects that are too IG 
and volume scattering within the shallow subsurface The small to recognise on the current imagery. FI 
attenuation in the soil is governed by soil moisture (one Table 3 lists the current satellite remote sensing data that Si 
per cent effectively rules out any deeper penetration) and could be used in disaster management. "Sr 
soil texture. (Drury, 1993; Carver et al., 1987). Lm 
SAR is especially sensitive to the presence of water, 1 
Table 2 Usefulness of Satellite Remote Sensing for Disaster Management: 2 
Disaster type Disaster prevention Disaster preparedness Disaster relief 
Volcanism T Tt ++ Te 
Earthquakes + - 0 va 
Landsliding 0 + + 
Flooding ++ ++ ++ | Ge 
++ = very useful, + = useful, = of limited use, - = not useful 
Table 3 The current satellite remote sensing data that could be used in disaster management. Cr 
Disaster type Disaster prediction Disaster preparedness Disaster relief M 
Volcanism TM/ SPOT (radar)/ TM/ NOAA TM/ SPOT/ GOES/ TOMS/ La 
Earthquakes TM/ SPOT/ ERS/ JERS - TM/ SPOT/ ERS/ JERS Rc 
Flooding TM/ SPOT/ ERS/ JERS NOAA/ Meteosat TM/ SPOT/ ERS/ JERS | Fic 
either in the form of soil moisture, liquid water in a sno- D 
wpack, or vegetation moisture. The extraction of hydro Finally, the following conclusions can be stated: So 
information from SAR imagery of terrain surfaces is a * The existing tools can generally be considered ade- [ 
difficult task, because the image intensity is a complex quate. Currently SPOT and Landsat TM are the most Sn 
function of many radar and target parameters. These may used systems. |. 
include wavelength, incidence angle polarisation, soil * Temporal resolutions (and spatial resolution) should Sn 
moisture, vegetation cover, surface roughness, slope be improved. There is however, a clear need for cer- 
aspect, and temporal cover, e.g. a snow coverage. Multi- tain types of disasters (earthquake, landslides) to ha- 
polarised data can, in principle, be used to separate sur- ve stereoscopic data with a larger spatial resolution. Un 
face roughness effects from soil moisture effects. The * In many applications weather condition are the most 
dielectric properties of soil are essential in determining important drawback. In the near future, however, it is Ke 
microwave backscattering and absorbtion by soil. expected that many applications will derive from the d 
An addional approach for using soil moisture data derived use of ERS and JERS data, especially in areas where HA 
with microwave approaches is through change detection. EV 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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