* However, the application of the satellite data is se-
riously limited by a lack of funding. Funding of rese-
arch in applications is in no relation to funding for
space technology research.
* Accessibility of data is a problem. Applications in real
time are mostly only possible on paper, as the time
needed for ordering and acquiring satellite images is
mostly excessively large.
* Satellite remote sensing can only give part of the
answer to Geological Disaster Management. It will al-
ways be combined with other types of data.
* Policy decisions are required to make operational use KE
of satellite remote sensing in the following fields:
- - Investments in hard- and software
- Compatibility and continuity of systems AR
- More training
- |mproving awareness among decision makers.
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996