Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

A. Dorozhynsky, Professor State University "L'vivska politechnika", Ukraine 
Ch. Burshtynsky, Dozentin State University, "L'vivska politechnika", Ukraine 
Commission WG, VI/1. 
KEY WORDS: Terminology, Photogrammetry, Aerospace Surveying, Standard. 
Since the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine (1991) an intensive work on creating termiology in Ukrainian for 
all the institutions, companies, educational institutions has been carried out. The Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers has 
among others the State Committee of Standartization and Certification. By the order of the Committee the autors have 
worked out and compiled two reference books "Photogrammetry". Terms and Definitions", and the other one is "Aerospace 
Surveying. Terms and Definitions" The paper describes the structure of the standarts; it has introduction and description 
of separate chapters. The description of each term includes the term name and its meaning in Ukrainian, its corresponding 
name in German ,English, French and the term Russian part also gives the description of the term and its meaning. The 
division of the terminological field into chapters of specific themes, selection of most widely used terms both theoretical 
and practical is substantiated. The total number of photogrammetric terms is 300, that of aerospace survey terms is 85. 
Since the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine 
(1991) was adopted, an intensive work on creation of 
terminology in Ukrainian for all the institituons, companies, 
educational establishments has been carried out. 
The Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers has among others 
the State Committee of Standartization and Certification. 
By the order of the Committee the authors have worked 
out and compilied two reference books: “Photogrammetry. 
Terms and Definitions”, and the other one is “Aerospace 
Surveying. Terms and Definitions”. 
The main tasks for creation of Ukrainian State 
Standards on photogrammetry and aerospace survey were 
as follows: 
— to fix updated Ukrainian technical terms and 
definitions, which could be used in standard and 
technical documents and literature; 
— to correct drawbacks of existing terms system; 
— to provide with complete Ukrainian equivalents to 
international standards, to make it possible to use 
them in informational system and for scientists 
understanding and cooperation. 
The main problem was that Ukrainian terms on these 
branches of science did not exist in this country. 
Photogrammetry and aerospace survey has been 
developing actievely for the last 50-60 years. The short 
period of independence (in the 20s of this century) caused 
considerable developement of scientific terminology and 
creation of specialized dictionaries. But mostly they covered 
fundamental sciences: maths, physics, chemistry. The 
dictionary of geodetic terms was set as well. 
But later under Stalin regime those dictionaries were 
cancelled as nationalistic e.i. harmful. Scientific-technical 
terms were substituted for Russian calques. 
Thus the lack of Ukrainian terms was caused by two 
reasons: the colonial situation in Ukraine and the narrow 
specialization which involved in the developement of 
photogrammetry and aerospace survey restricted number 
of scientists who knew Ukrainian language. 
It should be noticed that the activity of the seminar on 
scientific terminology proceded the working out of the State 
The specialists in Geodesy, Photogrammetry as well 
as Ukrainian linquists were involved in the activity of the 
The problems of analysis of different approaches to 
the defining of key-words and terms, the ways of selection 
and formation of Ukrainian terminology on photogrammetry 
and aerospace survey were discussed during the seminars. 
The analytical selection of terms from some alternative 
variants was held. 
As the language environement is a system, which 
changes and developes constantly together with society, 
the authors consentrated their attention on the necessity 
of refusing from the old patterns. The authors tried to avoid 
the influence of other languages on Ukrainian scientific 
and technical terminology. 
Terminological Committee of Standards subordinated 
to the Ministry of Education of Ukraine operates at the 
University. The Committee can give the expertise about 
corresponding level of the standard developed in different 
branches of science and technology, e.g. mechanics, 
electromechanics, radio engineering, geodesy and others. 
Similar Terminological Committees are created in 
numerous cities of Ukraine at the leading Universities 
specially in Kyiv and they concider standards in different 
Terminological Committee on questions of standards 
and informatics of the University “L'vivska Polytechnica” 
organized three International Scientific Conferences 
“Problems of Ukrainian Scientific-Technical Terms”. A 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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