Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

CO Band Interleaved by Line 
; Number of Plxeis O Band Inter-eaved by Pixel 
i m n a Pixel Interval Distence [m] 
| |® Image Date Attached to the Header 
Line interval Distance [mj 
: © image Date in Separate Files 
Figure 1. Data conversion menu 
3.2 Image Display 
There are two image file types that can be displayed: 
WinASEAN GIH and classified image WinASEAN CLS. 
WinASEAN GIH file is displayed by using Image display and 
classified image by Classified image display menu. Programs 
automatically detects whether input file is of suitable format for 
display or not. Another function for image display is Pseudo 
Color Image Display that is actually level slicing. The original 
GIH image is displayed in true color mode so number of slices 
can be up to 255. User selects certain gray value range and 
assigns it to arbitrary color. 
Under the Image display menu is there another function 
Image Display and Print. By this function user can display two 
image types: full color image with extension .GIH and classified 
image with extension .CLS and send them to system printer at 
selected scale. This is not hard copy as often used in many 
Windows application by PrintScreen or Alt+PrintScreen 
function. In order to print a image at exact scale program 
requires following input data: 
- Ground resolution of image (usually in meters) 
- Scale factor 
- Technical parameters of the system printer (supported 
by Windows) 
After program was informed about the above data, actual 
ground coverage of the image will be computed and 
transformed into printer resolution unit (dots per inch). The size 
of the selected area to be printed is input not in image but in 
printer resolution dimension. 
3.3 Image Encoding 
Image encoding is a special technique used by 
WinASEAN to improve calculation speed of classification, 
image transform etc. After encoding, data in the WinASEAN 
GIH format is converted to WinASEAN CPT format with 
structure as follow : 
- Image header 1024 bytes 
- Encoded image data Number of lines * number of 
columns * code size in bytes 
- LUTI Look - up - table containing all 
Unique Pixel vectors ( UPV ) 
- LUT2 UPV frequency 
The code size used for encoded image data is of 2 or 3 
bytes. UPV frequency is hold in table with type of 1, 2 or 3 
bytes. During processing program works with look-up-table 
LUTI and LUT2 insteed with whole of image and then by index 
replacing technique, result image, for example, classified or 
principal component will be created. 
| Green Assigment.  » 
| Blue Assigment.. b 
Figure 2. Image display menu 
3.3 Arithmetic Operation 
Inter-channel or inter-image operation are very useful for 
image enhancement, feature extraction and multitemporal image 
analysis. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and their 
combination can be applied for many purposes, including noise 
elimination. In order to carry out the most different arithmetic 
operation either among bands of one image or among different 
bands of different images, the algorithm is divided into 3 steps. 
In the first step program prompts for input data, then a temporal 
image in .GIH format is created. In the second step program 
asks user to give actual formula which defines the arithmetic 
operation to be considered. In fact the formula is not limited on 
basic arithmetic operation only, but any mathematics expression 
of length up to 60 characters long and consisted of FORTRAN 
intrinsic functions can be supplied. The construction of the 
formula must follow strictly FORTRAN syntax. Program checks 
syntax of the input formula and if there is no error it proceeds to 
next step when actual computation will be realized. In order to 
prevent division by zero, all digital counts having values 0 is 
assigned 1 before calculation. 
3.4 Multispectral Classification 
Multispectral classification is based on the Maximum 
likelihood classification method and consists of the following 
- Training area selection 
- Training data statistics calculation 
- Training data redisplay for checking 
- Training data modification (if necessary) 
After checking training data and statistics computation the 
maximum likelihood classification can be carried out. Input files 
are image file in CPT format and training data (statistics) file. 
Output will be classified image in CLS format. WinASEAN 2.0 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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