Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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Dr. A. Georgopoulos, Assistant Professor 
Laboratory of Photogrammetry 
National Technical University of Athens 
V. Fotinopoulos, Postgraduate Student 
Dept. of Photogrammetry & Surveying 
University College London 
Commision VI, Working Group VI1/2 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Education, Computer Learning, Software 
"Photogrammetrist v. 1.0" is a Computer Assisted Teaching software package aiming to become a powerful tool for introducing 
the students of the Department of Rural & Surveying Engineering of NTU of Athens to Photogrammetry in the most comfortable 
way. During their five year study the above students come in contact with many different subjects ranging from Mathematics and 
Physics to Satellite Geodesy and Digital Photogrammetry, Highway Engineering, Concrete constructions and Hydraulic 
Engineering. The package has been compiled in such a way, to exploit the capabilities of the Personal Computer for better 
understanding and assimilation of the subject. In this paper the development of this package is described and the choices made 
are presented. The first result is discussed for its completeness and efficiency. 
For the above purpose multimedia technology has been exploited to an extent that it will be easily accessible by everyone and 
portable to computers with varying capabilities. An extensive investigation of the market has been carried out in order to assess 
the potential and determine the most suitable package which would be used. The results of this investigation are presented and 
assessed for their validity. 
The material covered in "Photogramm^etrist v.1.0" comprises the basics of Photogrammetry. It consists of seven books. In the 
first book and after a short introduction the general photogrammetric procedure is presented. This includes data acquisition, flight 
planning and basics of restitution. Consequently in the second and third books, the topics of interior orientation and the influences 
on the light ray are examined. This is followed by the presentation of the principles of monoscopic photogrammetry in the fourth 
book, including photo scale, rectification and orthophotography. In the next book the principles of stereoscopic vision are explained 
and the student is introduced into the relative orientation of two ray pencils. Finally, in the book concerning the orientations the 
collinearity equation is explained and its applications are presented. The absolute orientation and the stereoscopic restitution 
conclude the material covered in this first version of the package developed. 
The package is completed with a series of simple questions and exercises, which will enable the user to test the knowledge 
assimilated so far. In addition a special installation program has also been developed in order to properly install the software in 
the MS-Windows environment. 
1. INTRODUCTION Since then several efforts have been realised to this end and 
ISPRS Commission VI has established a Working Group to 
Recent advances in information technology and in develop and coordinate similar efforts. Such learning software 
Photogrammetry have influenced all aspects of application, packages, which have already been developed so far, include 
including the methods and the instruments used. These the following: 
changes have inevitably reflected on education at all levels. a. CD-ROM application of the open University of 
Computer Based Training (CBT), Computer Assisted Teaching Netherlands for the teaching of remote sensing 
(CAT) or Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) is a rapidly (Stubkjaer, 1994). 
advancing field, where the above statement is realized. b. Introduction to Computer-Aided Cartography of 
Helsinki University of Technology (Stubkjaer, 1994). 
Moreover, young students are far more familiar with G. Comprehensive approach to GIS techniques 
technological gadgets nowadays, than only a few decades ago. (Stubkjaer, 1994). 
They have grown in a world, where information is conveyed d. The Danish project of GIS that is divided in two parts 
mainly in form of images, sounds and to a lesser extent in 
form of text. Hence, multimedia technology is a natural and 
profound means of transferring knowledge. Traditional lecturing 
has been dull right from the start, but there were no means of 
replacing it with anything else (Brown 1978). 
CHORO (Stubkjaer, 1994) and ORTHO (Hóhle, 1994) 
ANALYT (Hóhle, 1994) 
LDIP (Höhle, 1994) 
DiAP (Höhle, 1994) 
ALEXANDER (Kostwinder, 1994) 
Multimedia in GIS Education (Zhuang, 1992) 
Computer Assisted Learning is a bold move towards this 
change of scenery as far as teaching technical subjects like The above mentioned programs are incorporated in CAL, CAT 
Photogrammetry is concerned. The considerable progress in and CAI, acronyms which correspond to Computer Assisted 
computer hardware and software, offers alternative Learning (Stubkjaer 1994, Höhle 1994), Computer Assisted 
possibilities to the way Photogrammetry may be taught. The Teaching (Kostwinder, 1994) and Computer Assisted 
use of computers in teaching Cartography, G.I.S and Remote Instruction (Zhuang, 1992). These terms are constantly 
Sensing firstly appeared in 1987 (Stubkjaer 1994, Hóhle 1994). developed in a field where the innovative appears before the 
old disappears. Other terms such as Technology Based 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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