Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

The thematic mapper (TM) data from landsat 
satellite have been utilized in Iran for the last few 
years to recognize and assess, land resources in 
various ways, proving their efficient performances as 
a good tool, especially for landuse mapping and land 
deduction in general. 
However the advent of the thematic mapper 
(TM) data with high resolution has made the mapping 
work facilitate better interpretation and analysis of 
the required object, as such, in this paper an attempt 
has been made to extract various information of crop 
land and land resources of Gilan region. 
To start with, the false color composit of the 
landsat TM data in bands 2, 3, 4 and 4, 5, 7 in the 
month of june july 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1993 at the 
average of 1 : 100,000 scale, were selected, the total 
image are 9 quadrants which cover the gilan province, 
an area about 68450 square km were chosen, for 
visual analysis as reflected through the image 
characteristics, during the month of july when the data 
were scanned, most of the cropsland were harvested, 
or in some part werenot devoid of crops, 
consequently, the radiant energy which produced the 
spectral signature mostly for the harvested surface, 
with communicated a good and usefull - idea to the 
interpreter that the various image characteristics 
recorded on the imagery were mainly due to the 
variation of crop land and soil color with the colors of 
exposed stones, and rocks, in forest region, and bare 
surface, the interpretative boundary become almost of 
crop land boundary in the region, all these 
interpretative units were correlated and compared 
with available data in hand, finely a landuse uints 
were extract, after collection of ground truth, for 
compared interpretative units boundary with digital 
analysis units and available CCT tape, digitizing map 
also apply the GIS method, to overlay and combine 
$i. Location of study area in index of TM 
The interpretation of the TM data was carried out in 
the Remote sensing Laboratory of ASID on the basis 
of various image characteristics to occur in the area 
This porject was performed using map, satellite 
landsat (TM) data. 
The MAP were: 
Soil map classification of study area 1 : 250000 scale 
Geology map of area 1 : 250000 
forest map of area 1:25000 
topography map of area 1:250000 
Hydrology map of area 1:250000 
Sensor Date Pixel Scale 
Landsat-TM june1989 30x30 100000 
image june1990 30x30 100000 
july1991 30x30 100000 
Jaunary1993 30x30 100000 
Landsat-TM | Designation Wavelength 
CCT. july1993 1 0.45-0.52 um 
2 0.52-0.60 um 
3 0.63-0.69 um 
4 0.76-0.90 um 
5 1.55-1.75 um 
7 2.08-2.35 um 
spectral bands of the sensor 
xs € 
K diens it Ae nd 
Fig. 2, IMAGE OF STUDY AREA - 1989 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996

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