Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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the centre of documentation... 
the preliminary remarks on which the project is 
based are: 
-the overcoming of the " museum vision of Cultural 
Estate". The position of student towards the 
Cultural Estate must change: it has to become a 
"consumer good" and not only a passive remark; 
-the Culture Estate must "produce culture". Today, 
the technological progres allows people to have 
instruments which make easy the process of 
analysis and synthesis, indispensable for the 
study of Cultural Estate; 
-the approach to the "new technologies" has to be 
realized from the junior secondary school. It 
represents a new form of diffusion of literaty, 
faced with which a great part of teachers is not 
-the redaction of Cultural Estate documentation 
card cannot be the result of a little part of workers, 
but "to make culture" it must represent a moment of 
scholastic education; 
-the “new technologies”, indispensable for the 
cataloguation of Culturale Estate, allow a “gratis” 
recording and a rapid reference of all informations 
(written, verbal, graphic, photographic, 
cinematographic and musical); 
-the employment of "new technologies" in schools 
represent a new incitement for a motivated 
frequency of them and for a future youthful 
The basic stone of the Centre was posed in 1980, 
when the Unità Fotogrammetrica dei Vigili 
Urbani in Bari, under the scientific direction of the 
Cattedra di Fotogrammetria Architettonica, 
carried on a survey about a series of churches 
damaged by an earthquake in Basilicata. 
In may 1981, we organized a show-meeting, during 
which we opened, to the public an acting example 
of a documentation Centre, managed by skilled 
young people of Regione Puglia. 
At the end of this meeting (composed by 
representatives of the Sovrintendenza ai 
monumenti della Puglia, dell'Università di Bari, 
della Regione Puglia, dell'Amministrazione 
Provinciale di Bari, dello stesso Comune e della 
Curia Arcivescovile), it was proposed to create the 
documentation Centre of Ecclesiastical Cultural 
Estate, assigned to receive the existing 
photogrammetric surveys. Moreover, the 
archbishop gave a church in the historic Centre 
for the realization of the project. 
In 1983, the photogrammetric laboratory was 
transferred in the S.Scolastica monumental plant. 
In this place it was presented, to the Assessorato 
alla Cultura della Regione Puglia, a project of 
documentation realized according to the 
convention about the common use of 
photogrammetric-electronic instruments, signed in 
15 january 1985, between Università di Bari 
(Cattedra di Fotogrammetria Architettonica) and 
Regione Puglia (Assessorato della Cultura-Settore 
Musei e Beni Culturali). 
In 1986 at the end of the national meeting about 
"Fotogrammetria e Progetto", some students, 
belonging to the Facoltà di Ingegneria in Bari, 
created the Fondazione Italiana Fotogrammetria 
Architettonica, which voluntarily obtained the 
management of the existing documentation. 
In 1988, the project more and more improved, was 
tested during a national meeting of "Architettura 
Sacra" and reproposed it in 1991, during the 
International Symposium about "I Beni Culturali 
Ecclesiastici: problemi di archiviazione della 
documentazione fotogrammetrica". 
Finally in 1993 at the end of 2? International 
Symposium regarding "La Formazione del 
Rilevatore della Realtà Territoriale" the closed 
motion defined that: "..there would be to 
constitute an International Course about 
Architectonic Photogrammetry, which could be 
supported by the CIPA (Comité Inernational de 
Photogrammétrie Architecturale) using a long 
distance teaching during a period of two years. 
The School, which will be presented at the 
international symposium..., through the video- 
conference system, will give a certificate of 
specialization of Architettonic Photogrammetry. 
The works, realized by the students of this school, 
will be destinated "to feed" the International 
Centre of Digital Photogrammetric 
Documentation, opened by the Fondazione 
Italiana Fotogrammetria Architettonica". 
the survey... 
"StereoFot" makes possible the survey of the 
position and the dimensions of photographed 
objects. The objects must be photographed from two 
different datum points, thanks to the 
photogrammetric principles. 
The tridimensional photographic image can be 
observed through a changeble window and 
registrated in a numerical form. 
The reported points are recorded in a scrolling 
field and can be exported in text. 
The survey of the points can be done with two 
"click" on the corresponding points of the 
photograms, or with a single "click" on the stereo 
image, through the use of the "rmiarca mobile". 
The second botton of the "palette" recalls the 
photogram-guide, with which it is possible to 
look, thanks to a "click", the part which has to be 
analyzed (picture 2). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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