Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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LIS '95), 30 
Reports of National Societies (National Reports) and Reports of Regional and Sustaining Members 
Jozef Jachimski 
University of Mining and Metallurgy, Dept. of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Informatics, 
Al.Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland 
Peter Waldháusl 
University of Technology Vienna, Institute for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Gusshausstrasse 27-29/122, A-1040 Wien, Austria 
Invited Paper of Commission VI 
KEY WORDS: Guidelines, National Report, ISPRS, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, GIS, Member Report, 
Monitoring, History 
Guidelines are proposed for the quadrennially expected Member Reports (at most National Reports) with the intention 
to enable globally valid computerised statistics suitable for planning future activities of ISPRS. Member Reports should 
be structured commonly in a questionnaire like a matrix in Sections (according to matters) and Levels (according to 
grade of detail or importance). At the end of each Section as well as in addition to the questionnaire any 
complementary text may be added. 
Internet and the ISPRS Homepages in the World Wide Web (WWW) should be used for collection, synthesis and pub- 
lication of reports and analyses. 
General Assembly and Council of ISPRS are expected to decide about that minimum part of a Member Report which 
has to be answered obligatorily by the Member as another precondition besides payment of membership fee for having 
voting rights in the General Assembly. The Authors hold the opinion that only then Member Reports will be received 
from all Members and in such complete and comparable form that they will become a significant instrument for ISPRS 
and each of its members. 
Es werden Richtlinien für die alle vier Jahre erwarteten Mitgliedsberichte (meist Landesberichte) mit der Absicht 
vorgeschlagen, daraus mit Hilfe von EDV weltweit gültige statistische Ergebnisse zu erarbeiten, die als Grundlage für 
die Planung zukünftiger Aktivitáten der IGPF dienen kónnen. Diese Berichte sollen dafür in einem Fragebogen ein- 
heitlich nach Art einer Matrix nach Sach-Sektionen und Detaillierungs-Niveaus strukturiert werden. Ein freier Textteil 
soll sowohl jede einzeine Sach-Sektion als auch den Mitgliedsbericht als Ganzes ergánzen. 
Das Internet und die IGPF-Homepage im World Wide Web (WWW) sollen für das Sammeln, Zusammenfassen und 
Veróffentlichen der Berichte und Analysen verwendet werden. 
Von der Generalversammlung und vom Vorstand der IGPF wird eine Entscheidung erwartet, welche Teile des Frage- 
bogens pflichtgemáB zu beantworten sind, was neben der Bezahlung des Mitgliedsbeitrages als Voraussetzung für die 
Erhaltung des Stimmrechtes in der Generalversammlung gelten soll. Nur dann, meint man, würden Landesberichte von 
allen Mitgliedern und so komplett und vergleichbar einlangen, daf3 sie zu einem sinnvollen Instrument für die IGPF und 
alle ihre Mitglieder werden. 
|. INTRODUCTION Societies. It is each Member Society, which should 
devote itself to the development of cooperation on 
The Statutes of the International Society for various levels and to the advancement of our profession. 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing state, that it is The development may be stimulated directly, or 
devoted to the development of international cooperation indirectly. Directly, e.g. by spreading information upon 
for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote scientific, technological, or organisational achievements, 
sensing and their applications” (Statute I), and that upon possible products, their price and quality, upon own 
ISPRS shall promote direct ,exchange between National ^ products. Indirectly by working on the creation of 
Societies" (Statute IV). This general definition can be demand, e.g. by showing, what others have reached, 
adopted also for the definition of tasks of Member how they proceeded and succeeded. Such indirect 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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