Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

and GIS, but key words as well as postal and E-mail 
addresses of authors would be appreciated. 
All publications must be furnished with the title trans- 
lated to one of the three official ISPRS languages, pref- 
erably English, the Latin of today. 
It is anticipated, that the future ISPRS Archives would be 
published with the use of two types of media: paper-print 
and CD-ROM record. Decreasing prices of CD-ROM 
records make it very promising. On the other hand, yet 
for a long time (if not for ever), the paper prints will be 
treated as more reliable than any other record. Therefore 
we can assume, that certain number of copies of ISPRS 
Archives will be stored in libraries as printed documents, 
and the majority of copies will be delivered to the users 
on CD-ROM-s. 
The Authors would postulate that Member Reports 
should be included to part VI of IAPRS or edited as a 
separate Archives volume together with a Global ISPRS 
Report made on the basis of the Member Reports. Each 
Member Society should get or subscribe obligatorily one 
set of paper-printed Archives and ISPRS Reports. 
Majority of Congress participants would probably 
purchase the less expensive CD-ROM copies. 
Considering such publication policy we do not have to 
limit so severely the Archives volume and can give a lot 
of room for Member Reports. They will not only provide 
actual information, but will also assure reliable historical 
documentation of all stages of development of our 
The proposed general pattern of Member Reports is 
designed to serve in future as an easy source for a 
Global ISPRS Report on the state of art of 
photogrammetry, remote sensing and GIS/LIS and its 
development trends. The authors believe that the most 
important level A and partly B of the Member Report will 
be specially thoroughly discussed to gather on those 
levels only information which is needed on international 
level to create a globally valid Global ISPRS Report. The 
proposed information requested at level A were selected 
so, that they should not give any ISPRS Member a 
feeding of disturbed privacy. 
The Authors hope for support by Council, Commissions 
and all the Member Societies of ISPRS to the modelling 
of a prearranged pattern of the Member Report, which 
should be prepared properly for our Society’s permanent 
In the first moment readers might think that such a report 
will be too difficult and too sensitive. Authors of previous 
National Reports might think the same at first. But 
considering the aim of a global report and its high value 
for the promotion of our profession, further considering, 
that only examples have been given and that only a small 
part has to be done at the beginning whereas more and 
more could be added in the future, and remembering that 
only Level A would be obligatory - the proposed more 
systematically and uniformly prepared Member Reports 
could be more easily made than those ISPRS has 
received previously. 
1. Bahuguna P.P.,1995. ,A model proposed for numerical 
representation of production, research, education and 
international cooperation in photogrammetry and remote 
sensing". ISPRS Com.VIl/1,4,6 Conference, Kraków, 21- 
2. Brandenberger A.J., 1990. ,The National Reports pre- 
pared by the ISPRS Member Countries for ISPRS Con- 
gresses". Com.VI symposium, Rhodos, IAPRS XXVI/6, 
3. Hothmer J., 1982. ,Considerations on delivering natio- 
nal reports at ISPRS Congresses. Com.VI symposium, 
Mainz. IAPRS XXII/6, p.149-152. 
4. Jachimski J., 1994. ,Remarks on the National Reports 
standardisation regarding the photogrammetric and re- 
mote sensing education and the air-born imagery avail- 
ability” Com.VI symposium, Beijing. IAPRS XXX/6, p.71- 
5. Leatherdale J., Vaughan R., 1992. ,The United King- 
dom National Report for Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing 1989-1992”. XVII ISPRS Congress, Washington. 
IAPRS XXVI-B6, p.51-57. 
6. Schuhr W.,1995. ,On public relations of photomatics", 
ISPRS, Com.VI/1,4,6 Conference, Kraków,21-22.10.1995 
Addresses of Authors 
Prof. Dr. Józef Jachimski, University of Mining and Metal- 
lurgy, Dept. of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Informatics, 30-059 Kraków, Al.Mickiewicza 30, Poland, 
Telephone: (444812) 173826, home: 374050, Fax: 
(44812) 331040, INTERNET: jjachim Q uci.agh.edu.pl 
Prof. Dr. Peter Waldháusl, University of Technology Vi- 
enna, Institute for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Gusshausstrasse 27-29/122, A-1040 Wien, Telephone: 
(++43 1) 58801 3814, Fax: (++431) 5056268, 
INTERNET: pwaldh @fbgeo1.tuwien.ac.at 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 
2. TL 
3. TI 

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