Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

speed access to the PRONET service. Users can 
make use of this LAN access by physically visiting an 
ASP providers premises. 
e ISDN Access: Each ASP operator will provide the in- 
frastructure for PRONET service access via local 
ISDN connections (intra-country). These connections 
can be established at any one of the major validation 
sites. A Euro-ISDN connection will be established 
between the CEO premises (lspra, Italy) and the ITC 
ASP site (Enschede, The Netherlands). 
e Internet Access: Each ASP operator will provide 
Internet access to the PRONET service. Users may 
use personal workstations (appropriately equipped) 
and basic Internet services in order to access the 
PRONET service. 
It is obvious that the above methods offer different band- 
width to the end user. This in turn, influences the quality 
of service provided to the end-user. E.g., the tutoring 
service on the LAN access method (or ISDN access 
method) will be based on video conferencing whereas the 
tutoring service on the Internet access method will con- 
sist of white-board technology and email. 
The PRONET service is composed of the following 
e Multimedia computer aided learning sessions 
(estimated 10 hours per professional user group for a 
total of 30 hours). These sessions will be based on 
existing material appropriately adapted in order to be 
compatible with the PRONET specifications. Use of 
latest state of the art multimedia system development 
tools will assist in this matter. 
e Tutoring support where users completing the above 
training sessions may request real time or deferred 
time assistance (depending on access method and 
time). Video/audio conferencing hardware/software, 
white-board software, and electronic mail systems will 
be used (depending on available access bandwidth). 
e Information database access allowing professionals 
to access data that is relevant to their field. This data 
includes technical reports, training availability, legal 
issues, professional bodies, etc. RDBMS software will 
assist in this matter. 
e Special Interest Group support where users can ex- 
change messages and attend on-line text conferenc- 
ing. RDBMS software and applications will support this 
e Service administration support where ASP operators 
can add PRONET users to the user database, add new 
training sessions and new professional groups. Billing 
and security issues are also addressed here. 
3.1 Tutoring Support 
The tutoring support service refers to the need to com- 
plement the training activities with real-time or deferred 
time assistance. This tutoring is not intended to replace 
the multimedia training sessions. In fact the tutoring sup- 
port intends to clarify any problems or questions arising 
from the viewing of the training material. This service may 
include any combination of the following: 
Electronic mail tutoring (deferred time, low bandwidth), 
White board tutoring (real time, low bandwidth), 
Audio conferencing (real time, medium bandwidth), or 
Video conferencing (real time, high bandwidth). 
All the above approaches will be available and demon- 
strated during the validation of the PRONET service. 
3.2 Information Database Access 
The PRONET service includes access to customized in- 
formation database systems. These systems must sup- 
port the basic access retrieval capabilities provided by 
most database systems. We assume that data stored in 
these database systems include different media types. 
3.2.1 Remote Sensing Database: The purpose of 
this information database is to support the users with up- 
to-date information on the development of GIS and remote 
sensing technology and their applications in environ- 
mental study. The contents will include: 
e courses offered by other universities or training cen- 
ters in Europe in the related fields. 
e aclearing house for job announcements. This informa- 
tion can be added by environmental, GIS and remote 
sensing organizations and ITC will act as a center for 
distributing their announcements. 
e up-coming conferences in the related fields. The 
library of ITC is currently building this information 
database and it can be linked to the PRONET informa- 
tion database directly. 
e list of literature references and contents of the litera- 
ture when possible. The library of ITC can also be one 
of the main sources for this information. 
e digital spatial and attribute data. This information 
database will serve as a point to indicate to the users 
who has what data (in digital form) in Europe. 
e Major GIS and remote sensing software, suppliers, 
and functional comparisons. This information data- 
base has already been built by some other 
organizations, such as NexpRl at the University of 
Utrecht, The Netherlands. ITC can act as a link to 
these services. 
e Major GIS, remote sensing and environmental 
(research) projects in Europe. The information can be 
obtained from various newsletters and research re- 
3.2.2: Medical Information Database: The infor- 
mation base for medical specialists will include topics 
such as : 
e Scientific/Professional organizations of medical 
physics (MP) and biomedical engineering (BME). 
e. European universities offering courses and programs 
in MP and BME. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 
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