Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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are determined by analytical block aerial triangulation. 
When necessary, contours can be superimposed from 
the existing topographic map on the orthophotonegative. 
4.5. Basis of Urban Cadastre 
The compilation and updating of maps at scales of 
1:1000 and 1:500 as basis of urban cadastre is done by 
analogue stereoplotting. For this purpose aerial 
photographs are taken most frequently by wide-angle 
aerial survey camera (15/23 cm) and in the case of high 
and densely built sites - by normal-angle aerial survey 
camera (30/23 cm) from altitude from 1.2 to 0.5 km 
above the terrain. This altitude depends on the 
parameters of the aerial photography determined by its 
purpose. Because of this the scale of the serial 
photographs varies in rather wide range - from 1:6000 to 
1: 1700. 
The analogue stereoplotting is done by stereoplotters of 
the type Stereometrograph of Zeiss. The necessary 
control points for absolute orientation of the stereo 
models are determined by land survey as well as by 
analytical aerial block triangulation by bundle adjustment. 
4.6. Determination of Terrain Points for Land Reform 
In applying the Law of Property and Use of Agricultural 
Lands it is necessary to determine the coordinates of a 
considerable number of points, monumented on the 
terrain. Traditionally this determination is done by land 
survey methods, using modern equipment. Satisfactory 
results, however, are obtained by applying photo 
grammetric methods for densification of geodetic network 
(aerial triangulation). 
Taking into consideration the necessary accuracy of the 
coordinates of the  new-determined points, the 
implementation of aerial triangulation for this purpose 
should be preceded by the solution of some specific 
problems, connected with the choice of the aerial survey 
camera, the aerial film, the parameters of the aerial 
photography and the way of targeting the points on the 
terrain before taking the aerial photographs. 
The photogrammetry in Bulgaria is provided with reliable 
technical means and technologies including software. 
They are used successfully in technical activities for the 
restitution of ownership of agricultural lands which will be 
followed by the creation of a new cadastre and land 
registration in order to guarantee the individual property 
rights and also for the creation of land information system 
with the purpose of developing it further into a geographic 
information system. 
It must be, however, underlined that the technical means 
and the technologies related to them, are out-of-date and 
Bulgaria needs updating of the  photogrammetry 
equipment for which it relies on its own funds, as well as 
on foreign aid, especially from the European Community. 
Banov, B.,1993. The agrarian reform in Bulgaria - 
technical problems and goals, (in Bulgarian). GKZ, 1, 
Dinkov, D., 1992. Restitution of ownership on farming 
lands in Bulgaria, (in Bulgarian). GKZ, 5-6, pp.3-5. 
Gegov,K., 1992 The future national cadastre, (in 
Bulgarian). GKZ, 6, pp.8-9. 
Haydoushky, |. and Katzarsky, |., 1983. Development 
and state of photogrammetry in Bulgaria, (in English, 
French and German). GKZ, 3, pp.51-56. 
Katzarsky, |., 1992. Aerial triangulation for cadastre and 
land reform, (in Bulgarian). GKZ,5-6, pp.10-11.. 
Katzarsky, |., 1995a. A project for the organizational 
structure of the cadastre in Bulgaria. Workshop Reform 
of Land Administration and Cadastre in Central and 
Eastern Europe, Apeldorm, The Netherlands. 
Katzarsky, |., 1995b. The civil survey office of Bulgaria. 
Cambridge Conference for National Mapping 
Organizations Cambridge, U.K. 
Katzarsky, |., 1996a. The cadastre in Bulgaria - its state 
and future Workshop on Reforms of Cadastre and Land 
Registration Systems in Central and Eastern Europe and 
in Latin America. Sevilla, Spain. 
Katzarsky, |., 1996b Development and state of photo 
grammetry in Bulgaria. XVIII ISPRS Congress, Vienna, 
Commission VI. 
Stoyanov, J., 1992. The role of cadastral information in 
process of land division,(in Bulgarian). GKZ, 5-6, pp. 5-7. 
Stoynov, V., Valev, G. and Minchev, M, 1992. Actual 
tasks of national geodetic surveys (in Bulgarian). GKZ, 2, 
*GKZ= Geodezia, Kartografia, Zemeustroistvo (Geodesy, 
Cartography, Land Management Journal), Sofia. 
Dr Ivan Katzarsky 
Ministry of Regional Development and Construction 
Main Department of Cadastre and Geodesy 
17-19, Kiril i Methodi Street 
BG-1202 Sofia, Bulgaria 
Tel: (+3592)876 260 and 813 785 
Fax (+3592)872 517 and 874 888 
Dr Lilia Koleva 
4 Simeonov Vek Street 
B1.266-A, Vh.D, Ap.79 
BG-1111 Sofia, Bulgaria 
Tel./Fax: (+3592) 709 135 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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