58 Organization and. Management
quiring space are such as hospitals, rest rooms, physi-
cian’s office, lunch rooms, library, and assembly room.
The drafting and designing space must be located
where it has the advantage of good daylight, and as
nearly as possible situated at an equal distance from the
commercial and sales offices, the main planning-depart-
ment office, the pattern and drafting department, and the
main inspection office. The resulting location is usually
something of a compromise.
The commercial offices used for administrative and
supervisional officers should be arranged in such a manner
that visitors to the purchasing department, accounting
department, applicants for positions, and prospective
customers can be directed into separate waiting rooms.
The internal arrangement of the commercial offices should
be made the subject of as careful a lay-out as the
arrangement of the factory equipment and productive
departments. |
After having indieated on the preliminary separate
departmental sheets, and also on a large preliminary
general lay-out, the location of all the service equipment
and serviee departments, we are now ready to make the
final lay-out. This lay-out can be visualized more com-
pletely by means of a wooden model built to the scale
of the proposed factory buildings, but showing the side
walls in framing only and having the floors solid. On
the floors are fastened (with pins) templets showing the
various equipments, departmental boundaries being indi-