Full text: Vorreden, Register (12. Band)

* 34 y 9 X 
AL ton Wir | , 
20% All 366, 
AG :) V, 518, 
"| Y, sar, 
0 V t v 
O8. 4 986, 
"Witt Vig, qt 
lly (PR) V, 
ily (J A) 5.380 
del (. E) Yat | 
37, | 
1 afper) V. roa, 
Ortfteln V. 524. X, 389. 
Ofann V. 5245 
Ofiander (F, 8.) V. 524. X, 
389. Xl. 593. 
Ofiander (J. E.) V. 336. X. 
Oüander (J. R.) V. $26. X, 
289: XII. 3666 
Offenfelder V. 526, X:390: 
Offinger V. 526. XI. 593. 
ORethaufen V, 526, X. 390. 
Oftermeyer V. 527. XI. 593: 
Oftertag (J. J.) V. 5276 
Ofertag (J. P.) V. 528. X, 
390. Xl, 593. Xll. 366. 
Ofterwald V. 529: 
Oswald (C, K.) X. 390. 
Oswald (F. 1) V. 5239. 
Oswald (H. S.) V. 539. X. 
Oswald (J. H.) V. 539. XI, 
593. Xil, 366: 
Oswald (S.) X. 395. 
~Otte V. 531. X.300- 
ste Ausg, Later Ba 
Otterbeid V. $32, X. 39f, 
Otto (B. C.) V. 533. XL. $934 
Otto (C.) V. 523. X. 29% 
XI, 593- XII, 366. 
Otto (D. W.) V. $24. X. 391, 
Otto (Franz) V. 534. 
Otto (Fried, W. eigentl, Js 
F. W.) V. 534. X. agte 
XI, 596, 
Otto (Ge, C.) XI 505s 
Otto (Ge. E.) V. $35. 
Otto (Gottlieb F.) X, 29% 
Xl. 595, 
Otto (Gottlob A.) V, 535, 
Otto (]. A.) V. 535. X. 39f» 
XI, 596. 
Otto (J. F.) V. 535. 
Otto (J. G.) V. 536s 
Otto (K, F.) V. 536. X. 3926 
d'Oattepont XI, 596; 
Oatzen V, 536. X, 3925 
Oavrler (J. F.) V. 5370 Xe 

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