Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

No. Page 
XXVII. Preparatory tables for finding the values of annuities 
on two joint lives (Carlisle 3 per cent) . . . 559 
XXVIII. Ditto (Carlisle 3% per cent) . a « 609 
XXIX. Ditto (Carlisle 4 per cent) . . vit 8659 
XXX. Ditto (Carlisle 45 per cent) . . . 709 
XXXI. Ditto (Carlisle 5 per cent) . : v 759 
XXXII. Ditto (Carlisle 6 per cent) : . 809 
XXXTIII. Ditto (Northampton 3 per cent)  . . 859 
XXXIV. Annual premium for assurance of £100 for 1, 4, 7, ot 
10 years, and for the whole period of life (North- 
ampton 3 per cent) . , : + 915 
XXXV. Annual premium for 1, 5, 7, 10, 15, or 20 payments to 
secure £100 at the extinction of a single life (North- 
: ampton 3 per cent) . . . . : 916 
XXXVI. Single and annual premium for assurance of £100, 
payable on the failure of the joint existence of two 
lives (Northampton 3 per cent) . v . 917 
XXXVIIL. Single and annual premium for assurance of £100 on 
the death of the last survivor of two lives (North- 
ampton 3 per cent) . . 222 
XXXVIII. Single and annual premium to secure £100 on the 
death of A, provided he dies before B (Northampton 
3 per cent) . . . 927 
XXXIX. Value of £100 policy, charged at the Northampton 
rate, on a single life at the end of any number of 
years (Northampton 3 per cent) . . « 937 
XL. Carlisle rate of mortality and curtate expectation for 
two joint lives . . . . . 945 
XLI. Experience of the Amicable Society from April 5, 1808, 
to April 5, 1841 . . . . . 1080 
XLII. Experience of the Equitable . . 1082 
XLITI. Rate of mortality deduced from the experience of the 
Equitable «+ 1083 
a 9

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