Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

No. Page 
XLIV. Expectations of life deduced from experience of the 
Equitable =. . . . : . 1084 
XLV. Table of disorders of which persons assured by the 
Equitable have died from Jan. 1, 1801, to Dec. 31, 
1832 . o . . . . . . 1085 
XLVI. Value of an annuity on three joint lives of equal ages 
(Carlisle 5 percent) . «oo . 1086 
XLVII. Value of an annuity on three joint lives, Carlisle 3 per 
cent (difference of ages 25 and 5) . . . 1087 
XLVIII. Value of an annuity on three joint lives equal ages 
(Northampton 3 per cent) . . . . 1088 
Short Account of the London Assurance Offices . 1089 “ 
Collection of Legal Decisions connected with Life As- 
surances, with remarks . . 1161 

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