Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

age } > 
84 ast opie aE 
ie Tee value of an annuity during the joint continuance of two lives, 
aged m and my, is or 
082 Noh : Bie TITLE 
> as TT : J % 
088 The value of an annuity for the term of 2 years, subject to the joint 
8 continuance of two lives, aged m and m,, is 
—. N- ma myn 5 i 
1181 Pr 
The value of an annuity to be entered upon at the expiration of n 
years, and to continue so long as two lives, aged m and m,, shall jointly 
survive that term, is 
IN vin, m+n 
D,. my 
The value of an assurance of £1 payabie on the failure of the joint 
existence of two lives, aged m and my, is 
N.. 1, my—1 
T= (1 = 7) alk 
The annual premium for the same 
DY (1 -7) 
No, my -1 
The value of an assurance of £1 payable on the failure of the joint 
existence of two lives, aged m and m,, provided that event happen within 
the term of 7 years, is 
F{ Nn-s, mp=1"" Nir toptnet) a {N.,» Te Noss, pu) 
—— i mambmyga—t) TR Nm my Nn, myn) 
Diy, om, 
The annual premium is 
7 Nem = Novis, my+n 
Neo, my —1 en, 0 ly my+n—1 
The single premium for an assurance on a life aged m, against a life 
aged m,, is. 
When m —~1 is greater than m, 
1 + 7(N,.3, my—1 + No, wp) RE {Noes my =1 4 No. m1) | 
2 Do, my 
the annual premium is 
o Dos, my Nong, mia + Not, m) = None m1 Nop my 1) 
2 Nii» 
VOL. if. 

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