Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Six Years. 
Ages. | D. N. © Ages. D. N. 
0 & 6/52761398. 649562387.2 49 & 55: 2100007.3 19511844.9 
1.. 7142397208.3 607165178.9 50. 56. 1955912.6 17555932.3 
2.. 8;37150879.4 576014299.5 51., 57, 1820196.1 15735736.2 
S.. 5|315229.3 536831070.2 52.. 58 16&9123.3 14046612.9 
d,.10130540283.4 506290786.8 53... 59 1560751.1 12485861.8 
5..11]28394161.3 477896625.5 + 54.. 60 1434741.8 11051120.0 
6..12(26686783.4 451209842.1 55.. 61MEE310831.1 9740288.9 
7..13125218461.4 425991380.7 | 56.. 62 1193528.2 8546760.7 
8..1423910679.0 402080701.7 { 57.. 63 1083703.9 7463056.8 
9..15122713594.1 379367107.6 - 58.. 64 981223.7 6481833.1 
10..16(21594482.2 357772625.4 59.. 65 884031.3 5597801.8 
11..17120532049.4 337240576.0 60.. 66 792058.3 4805743.5 
12..18119511342.5 317729233.5 61,. 67 704804.7 4100938.8 
13,.19' 18537133.1 299192100.4 62... 68 624439.8 3476499.0 
14..920117607477.0 281584623.4 63.. 69 551116.0 2925383.0 
15..21|16717848.6 264866774.8 | 64.. 70 484621.6 2440761 .4 
16..22!'5864385.4 249002389.4 | 65.. 71 424341.1 2016420.3 
17..23| 5045913.5 233956475.9 | 66.. 72 368230.8 16481&9.5 
18..24' 4265999.2 219690476.7 67.. 73 315922.6 1332266.9 
19..25 13525176.4 206165300.3 68.. 74 267611.4 1064655.5 
20..26|12819342.4 193345957.9 | 69.. 75 223242,0 841413.5 
21..,27 2149078.3 181196879.6 | 70.. 76 184616.7 656796.8 
22..25 11510555,1 163686324.5/1 71... 77 151013.4 505783.4 
23..29 '0894828.7 158791495.8 72., 78 121978.2 383805.2 
24,.30110299780.4 148491715.4 73.. 79 97402.5 286402.73 
25..3i| 9734039,9 138757675.5 74., 80: 76116.64 210286,09 
26..32, 9196370.5 129561305.0 | 75.. 81 58484 ,36 151801.73 
27..33 8688592.2 120872712.8 76,. 82 44057 .20 107744.53 
28..34 8206199.3 112666513.5 77.. 83 32654.29 75090.24 
29..35 7742520.6 104923992,9 78.. 84 23796.65 51293.59 
30..36 7295951.7 97628041.2 79.. 85 17153.46 34140.133 
31..3;7 6871185.1 90756856.1 &0., 86! 11992.003 22148.130 
32..38, 6468492.7 84288363.4 | 81.. 87 8168.016 13980.114 
33..39, 6087947.2 78200416.2 | 82., 88 5332.024 86438.090 
34..401 5726131.2 72474285.0 | 83.. 8&9 3437.157 5210,933 
35..41] 5379116.0 67095169.0 | 84,, 90] 2201.625 3009,308 
36..42| 5048656.0 62046513.0 | 85.. 91 1316.786 1692.5215 
37..43(94734217 .49057312295.6 01086, . 92 745.8647 946.6568 
. 38..44' 4437059.7 52875235.9 i 87.. 93 416.4711 530.1857 
39..45! 4156333.1 48718902.8 | 88.. 94! 232.4953 297.6904 
) L 
0 40..46] 3890529.1 44828373.7 | 89.. 95 130.8075 166.8829 
a 41, .47} 3637537.7 41190836.0 | 90.. 96 75.6512 91.2317 
1 42..48] 3399078.2 37791757.8 ' 9N.. 97 42.0947 49,13697 
iy 43..49| 3176480.7 34615277.1 92.. 98 22.48651 26,65046 
- 44,,50] 2958586.7 31646690.4 93.. 99 12.23167 14.418785 
- 45..51 2774436.7  28872253.7 | 94..100 7.128014 7.290771 
pe 46..52, 2590659.1 26281594.6 ' 95..101 3.998085 3.292686 
oe 47..53| 2416805.2 23864789.4 | 96..102 2.105219, 1.187467 
i 48, .541 2252937.2 21611852.2 {| 97..103 .950515 «236952 

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