Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Thirty-Two Years—continued. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
44 & 76 368925.8 1721454.7 58 & 90 15989.87 34779.74 
45.. 77) 313500.2 14079545 59.. 91 11093.55 23686.193 
46., 78! 265073.6 1142880.9 60,. 92 7403.774 16282.419 
47.. 799223776.9 919104.00 | 61..:93 4954.,037 11328.382 
48.. 80 186921.96 732182.04 | 62.. 94 3402,247 7926.135 
49.. 819155655,71 576526.33 | 63.. 95 2361.762 5564.373 
50.. 82 127867.64 448658.69 | 64.. 96 1674.447 3889.926 
5l.. 83 104234.25 344424.44 ' 65.. 97:  1209.923 2680.003 
52.. 84 83886,.64 260537.80 ' 66.. 98 867.679 1812.324 
53.. 85 66820.76 193717.04 67.. 99 627.667 1184.6570 
54... .86 52133,13 141583.91 | 68..100 471.8745 712.7825 
55.. 871939747.12 101836.79 | 69..101 336.5055 376.2770 
56... 88, 29418.06 72418.73 | 70..102 219.7665 156.5105 
57.. 89 21649.12 50769.61 | 71..103 120.2400 36.2705 
Difference of Age Thirty-Three Years. 
Ages, D. N. Ages, D. N. 
0& 33 14998433. isonet 30 & 63 1558169.6 12722449 .1 
1.. 34 12079445.5 1147463793.4 31.. 64 1426375.4 11296073.7 
2.. 35 10570212.1 136893581.3 32.. 65 1303527.6 9992546.1 
3.. 36 9406372.4 127487208.9 | 33.. 66 1189718.2 8802827.9 
4.. 37 8609588.6 118877620.3 ' 34.. 67 1084330.3 7718497 .6 
5.. 38 7953390.7 '110924229.6  35.. 68 986228.9 6732268.7 
6.. 39 7427473.6 103496756.0 : 36.. 69 894973.3 5837295.4 
7.. 40 6970299.0 96526457.0 | 37.. 70 809655.8 5027639.6 
8.. 41 6556863.4 89969593.6 ' 38.. 71 730294.1 4297345.5 
9.. 42 6176921.9 83792671.7 F 39.. 72 653501.8 3643843.7 
10.. 43 5824232.4 77968439.3 | 40.. 73 578602.5 3065241.2 
11.. 44 5493787.1 72474652.2 ! 41.. 74 506218.1 2559023.1 
12.. 45 5179231.2 67295421.0 42..75 436758.5 2122264.6 
13.. 46 4881751.6 62413669.4 43.. 76 374385.2 1747879 .4 
14.. 47 4600479.4 57813190.0 44.. 77 318209.1 1429670.3 
15.. 48 4334856.8 53478333.2 | 45.. 78  269058.0 1160612.3 
16.. 49  4084605.7 49393727.5 | 46.. 79 227142.3 933469.95 
17.. 50 3847778.5 45545949.0 { 47.. 80 189692.08 743777 .87 
18.. 51 3624904.1 41921044.9 * 48.. 81 157855.42 585922.45 
19.. 52 3411748.5 38509296.4 49.. 82 129641.55 456280.90 
20... 53| 3208008.7 35301287.7 | 50.. 83 105651.91 350628.99 
21.. 54 3013384.6 32287903.1 } 51.. 84 85102.95 265526 .04 
22.. 55 2828744.7 29459158.4 1 52.. 85 67852.19 197673.85 
23.. 56 2652514.6 26806643.8 | 53.. 86 52988.80 144685.05 
24.. 57" 2484412.6 24322231.2 ' 54.. 87 40430.23 104254.82 
25.. 58 2392347.1 21999884.1 I 55.. 88 29954.94 74299.88 
26.. 59) 2163035.8 19836848.3 56.. 89 22068.42 52231.46 
27.. 60 2006145.1 17830703.2 57.. 90 16331.16 35900.30 
28.. 61 1849903.6 15980799.6 58.. 91 11368.75 24531.545 
29.. 62! 1700180.9 14280618.7 59.. 92 7619.201 16912.344 

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