* Livna
Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives,
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.)
} Difference of Age Thirty-Three Years—continued.
10.74 Ages. | D. N. Ages. D. N.
86.103 sommmemmett 0 eee seers eee et tas EL emis pre
82.419 60 & 93| 5125.690 11786.654 1 66 & 99 655.527 1243.1336
28.382 61.. 94] 3528.516 8258.138 674.100] 493.7931 749.3405
26.135 62.. 95| 2453.543 5804.595 68..101 352.8976 396.4429
64.373 63.. 96] 1741.042 4063.553 I 69..102, 231.1164 165.3265
8 49% 64.. 97 1260.036 2803.517 70..103 126.7880 38.5385
oe 65.. 98' 904.856 1898.661
[Bs Difference of Age Thirty-Four Years.
36.2705 Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N.
0& 34 14276617. 150530263.8 35 & 69 904248.5 5913055.2
1.. 35 11496923.0 139033340.8 | 36.. 70 818290.4 5094764.8
2.. 36] 10059413.0 128973927.8 37.. 71 738308.6 4356456.2
3.. 37] 8949149.6 120024778.2 38.. 72, 660881.6 3695574.6
4., 38] B188587.4 111836190.8 39.. 73) 585557 .1 3110017.5
4.1 5.. 39| 7562093.7 104274097.1 v 40.. 74 512888.2 2597129.3
3073.7 6.. 40{ 7056978.4 97217118.7 | 41.. 75 442858.9 2154270.4
156.) 7.. 41 6615048.6 90602070.1 ' 42.. 76 379844.5 1774425.9
03837. 8.. 42 6217828.6 84384241.5 43.. 77 322917.9 1451508, 0
18497.6 9.. 431 5853984.7 78530256.8 44.. 78 273099.2 1178408.8
1268.7 10., 44) 5518560.8 73011696.0 45.. 79 230556.6 947852.18
7995.4 11,. 45] 5204318.1 6£7807377.9 46.. 80 192544,91 755307 .27
18.4 12,. 46] 4906283.1 62901094.8 47.. 81 160194.79 595112.58
97345.5 13... pif 4624444.0 58276650.8 48,. 82 131473.64 463638.94
WIRY? 14.. 48! 4358939.4 53917711.4 49.. 83 107117.63 356521 .31
3241.2 15.. 49 4110048.9 49807662.5 ' 50.. 84 86260.42 270260.89
3023] 16.. 50| 3873764.5 45933898.0 | 51.. 85 68836.00 201424.89
1964.8 17. 51° 3650142.3 42283755.7 | 52.. 86! 53306.73 147618.16
nd 18.. 52 3435669.1 38848086.6 | 53.. 87] 41093.82 106524 .34
10. 19.. 53° 3230659.7 35617426.9 | 54,, 88 30469.75 76054.59
0612.3 20.. 54 3034812.6 32582614.3 {| 55.. 89| 22471.17 53583.42
hy 21.. 55! 2848529.4 29734084.9 | 56., 90| 16647.46 36935.96
pv 22.. 56, 2671197.4 27062887.5 { 57.. 91 11611.39 25324.569
or yp 23.. 57) 2502035.5 24560852.0 | 58., 92 7808.208 17516.361
250.90 24.. 58 2338938.1 22221913.9 ' 59.. 93! 5274.832 12241.529
1623.99 25.. 59, 2178973.1 20042940.8 ' 60.. 94 3650.776 8590.753
a 26.., 60, 2021036.2 18021904.6 61.. 95 2544.604 6046.149
Ta 27.. 61 1864386.1 16157518.5 62.. 96 1808.702 4237.447
1673.88 28.. 62 1715100.0 14442418.5 63.. 97] 1310,149 2927.298
op 29. , 63 1573635.3 12868783.2 64.. 98 942.334 1984.964
BE 30.. 64; 1440932.8 11427850.4 65.. 99, 683.614 1301.3496
1498.88 SL, 63) 1316968.4 10110882.0 66..100] 515.7118 785.6378
i145 32,. 66) 1201893.7 8908988.3 67,.101 369.2899 416.3479
1300.30 33.. 67° 1095339.7 7813648.6 68. 102, 242.3746 173.9733
ia 34.. 68 996344.9 6817303.7 : 69..103 133.3361 40.6372
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