Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

+t Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Thirty-Six Years—continued. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
00 &56  2709007.9 27559182.4 | 44 & 80° 198374.58 778527.90 
91..57 2537281.2 25021901.2 15.. 81 165048.12 613479.78 
92..58 2372120.1 22649781.1 ° 46.. 82 135428.60 478051.18 
1 23..59 2210106.6 20439674.5 | 47.. 83 110241.30 367809.88 
24,.60 2050472.1 18389202,4 1 48.. 84 88693.06 279116.82 
i 25..61 1892063.8 16497138.6 | 49.. 2 70740.19 208376.63 
. 26..62 1741357.7 14755780.9 | 50.. 86 55329.32 153047.31 
0 27..63 1599871.8 13155909.1 | 51.. 87 42333.17 110714.14 
oa 98..64 1468004.5 11687904.6  52.. 88 31447.91 79266 .23 
o 29..65 1343614.3 10344290.3  53.. 89 23232.53 56033.70 
1 30..66 1226679.5  9117610.8  54.. 90 17242.60 38791.10 
a 31..67 1117959.2  7999651.6 | 55.. 91  12052.29 26738.810 
er 32..68 1016761.0  6982890.6 ' 56.. 92| 8129.316 18609.494 
Ait 33..69  922798,9  6060091.7 57.. 93) 5521.056 13088.438 
aH 34,.70 835251.4  5224840.3 ' 58.. 94! 3850.201 9238.237 
43 35..71  753915.5  4470924.8 | 59.. 95| 2709.377 6528.860 
fads 36..72  675259.7  3795665.1 | 60.. 96 1940.825 4588.035 
dl 37..73  598668.3  3196996.8 1 61.. 97| 1411.577 3176.458 
3.09 38..74  524914.6  2672082.2  62.. 98] 1017.889 2158.569 
5.19 39..75  454087.4  2217994.8  63.. 99 740.243 1418.3264 
a 40,.76 ~~ 390225.0  1827769.8 64..100| 560.0837 §58.2427 
3.640 41..77  332202.9  1495566.9  65..101 402.2073 456.0354 
83.731 42..78  281181.9  1214385.0  66..102 264.8914 191.1440 
13.08 43..79  237482.5 976902.48 67..103 146.3263 44.8177 
11.0% _ 
8,304 : : 
2 4% Difference of Age Thirty-Seven Years. 
31.431 Et 
71.69 Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
150, 6008 a cw en rei 
a.81 0 &37 12302928. 125939152.6 ! 21 & 58 2388711.2  22856560.3 
196.2002 1..38  99004v1.4 116038661.2 22.. 59, 2225673.4  20630886.9 
32.5671 2..39  8654631.1 107384030.1 23.. 60 2065016.9  18565870.0 
4.1% 3..40  7689104.6 99694925.5 24.. 61 1905580.8  16660289.2 
4..41  7020338.1 92674587.4 ' 25.. 62 1754188.0  14906101.2 
5..42  6466123.1 ©66208464.3 | 26.. 63 1611747.2  13294354.0 
6..43  6018974.5 80189489.8 27.. 64 1479497.3  11814856.7 
7..44  5633032.6 74556457.2 28.. 65 1355404.6  10459452.1 
8..45  5289289.8 69267167.4 29.. 66 1238854.9 9220597.2 
9..46  4977577.5 64289589.9 | 30,. 67 1129368.9 8091228.3 
_ 10..47  4691254.4 59598335.5 31.. 68 1027244.9 7063983.4 
718 8 11..48  4424994.3 55173341.2 * 32.. 69  932242.8 6131740.6 
124.2 12..49  4175287.8 50998053.4 33.. 70, 843731.9 5288008.7 
60.2 13..50  3939966.8 47058086.6 34.. 71 ~~ 761648.7 4526360.0 
8.9 14..51  3718226.7 43339859.9 35.. 72) 682258.0 3844102.0 
1400.6 15..52  3504649.5 39835210.4 36.. 73  605052.9 3239049.1 
wd 16..53  3298085.8 36537124.6 37.. 74  530675.2 2708373.9 
6 17..54  3099096.8 33438027.8 38.. 75  459215.3 2249158.6 
rp 18..55  2909296.9 30528730.9 39.. 76  394915.3 1854243.3 
a 19..56  2728135.6 27800595.3 40.. 77  336580.1  1517663.2 
og 20..57 9553323.8 25245271.5 41.. 78  285109.3 1232553.9 

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