Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Thirtv-Seven Years—continued. 
Ages. D. N. | Ages. D. N. 
42 &79  240945.6 991608.26 556 & 92 8277.676 19096. 599 
43..80 201310.10 790298.16 56.. 93 5627.988 13468.611 
44. .81° 167527.16 622771.00 570. 943932 .377 , 9536.234 
45..82 137464.25 485306 .75 58.. 95 2776.588 © 6759.646 
46..83 111899.25 373407 .50 59.. 96 31997.296 4762.350 
47..84 90007 .46 283400.04 60.. 97 1460.487 3301.863 
48. .85 71739.88 211660.16 61.. 98 1055.666 2246.197 
49. .86 56096.90 1565563.26 62.. 99 769.010 1477.1873 
50..87 42908.92 112654.34 63.100 582.3588 894.8285 
51..88 31903.88 80750.46 64. .101 418.8661 475.9624 
52..89 23591.14 57159.32 65..102 276.2413 199.7211 
53..90 17525.61 39633.71 66..103 152.8216 46.8995 
54..91 12259.43 27374.275 , 
Difference of Age Thirty-Eight Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 &38 11701325, ;118499632.5 | 33 & 71 769381.9 4580765.2 
1..39 9413399.4 109086233.1 f 34.. 72' 689256.1 3891509.1 
2 +40 8222923.3 100863309.8 m35.. 73611323.4 3280185.7 
3..41 7297219.2 93566090.6 | 36.. 74 536334.5 2743851.2 
4,.42 6657338.5 86908752.1 37.. 75 464254.7 2279596.5 
5..43 6128066.1 80780686.0 § 38.. 76 399375.1 1880221 .4 
6. edd 5703082.3 75077603.7 {| 39.. 77 340625.6 1539595,8 
7 «45 9336226.6  69741377.1 § 40.. 78 288865.9 1250729.9 
8..46 5010541.6  64730835.5 ° 41.. 79 244310.9 1006418.99 
9..47 4715219.0 60015616.5 42.. 80' 204245.62 802173.37 
10..48 4444948.3 55570668.2 1 43.. 8i 170006.19 632167.18 
11..49 4195511.9. 51375156.3 f 44.. 82 139528.98 492638.20 
12..50 3959765.6  47415390.7 fF 45.. 83 113581.22 379056.98 
13. .51 3737595.5 43677795.2 | 46.. 84 91361.11 287695.87 
14. .52 3524119.8 40153675.4 | 47.. 85 72803.05 214892.82 
15..53 3318629.7 36835045.7 | 48.. 86 56889.66 158003.16 
16..54 3120026.5 33715019.2 ! 49.. 87 43504.20 114498.96 
17. .55 2929552.6 30785466.6 50.. 88 32337.79 82161.17 
18..56 2747263.1 28038203.5 + 51.. 89 23933.20 H8227.97 
19..57 2573366.3 25464837.2 52.. 90 17796.13 40431.84 
20. .58 2405697.2 23059140.0 | 53.. 91 12460.64 27971.197 
21..39 2241240.1 20817899.9 | 54.. 92 8419.939 19551.258 
22..60 2079561.7 18738338.2 | 55.. 93) 5730.699 13820.559 
R3..61 1919097.9 16819240.3 | 56.. 94 4008.539 9812.020 
24..62 1766720.1 15052520.2 ' 57.. 95 2835.849 6976.171 
23..63 1623622.6 13428897.6 58.. 96 2046.844 4929.327 
26..64 1490479.3 11938418.3 59.. 97 1502.983 3426.344 
27 ..65 1366015.,8 10572402.5 60.. 98 1092.245 2334.099 
28..66 1249726 .0 9322676.5 61.. 99 797.550 1536 .5485 
29..67 1140578.5 8182098.0 . 62..100 604.9902 931.5583 
30..68 1037729.0 7144369.0 63..101 435.5247 496.0336 
31..69 941855.3 6202513.7 64..102 287.6827 208.3509 
32..70 852366 .6 5350147.1 65..103 159.3696 48.9813

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