Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

tl TABLE XXIX. 619 
Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Thirty-Nine Years. 
Ages, D. N. | Ages. D. N. 
0&39 11125635. 111411857.1 | 33 & 72! 696254.3 3938027.9 
1..40 8943842.9 102468014.2 | 34.. 73! 617594.0 3320433.9 
2..41 7803831.3 94664182.9 | 35.. 74' 541892.9 2778541.0 
3..42 6919902.8 87744280.1 , 36.. 756 469205.9 2309335.1 
4,.43 6309284.6 81434995.5 | 37.. 76' 403757.9 1905577.2 
in 5..44 1 5806448.5 75628547.0 | 38.. 77 344472.3 1561104.9 
83 6..45 5402585.5 70225961.5 39.. 78 292338.0 1268766.9 
a 7..46  5055004.8 65170956.7 | 40., 79 247530.1 1021236.83 
% 8..47 4746445.7 60424511,0 ' 41.. 80 207098.45 814138.38 
i 9..48  4467654.7 55956856.3 42.. 81 172485.24 641653. 14 
10..49 4214431.1 51742425.2 , 43.. 82 141593.70 500059.44 
11.350 3978945.7 47763479.5 | 44.. 83 115287.21 384772.23 
12..51 3756377.4 44007102.1 | 45.. 84 92734.37 292037.86 
13..52 3542477.4 40464624.7 | 46.. 85 73897.96 218139.90 
14..53 3337066.5 37127558.2 + 47.. 86 57732.75 160407.15 
15..54 3139461.4 33988096.8 | 48.. 87 44119.00 116288.15 
16.55 2949337.4 31038759.4 | 49,. 88 32786.43 83501.72 
375.56 2766390.8 28272368.6 | 50.. 89  24258.71 59243.01 
18..57 2591408.8 25680959.8 ' 51.. 90 18054.17 41188.84 
19..58 2422683.2 23258276.6 52.. 91  12652.97 28535.868 
20..59 2257177.5 21001099.1 | 534. 92, 8558.137 19977.731 
21..60 2094106.5 18906992.6 © 54.. 93 5829.189 14148.542 
22..61 1932614,9 16974377.7 ' 55.. 94 4081,694 10066.848 
23..62 1779252,1 15195125.6 | 56.. 95 2890.774 7176.074 
24..63 1635222.0 13559903.6 | 57. 96 2090.529 5085.545 
25..64 1501461.2 12058442.4 | 58.. 2 1540.267 3545.278 
26..65 1376155.3 10682287.1 | 59.. 98 1124.025 2421.253 
27..66 1259509.8 9422777.3 | 60.. 99, 825.185 1596.0681 
28..67 1150587.2 8272190.1 | 61..100 627.4435 968.6246 
29..68 1048028.9 7224161.2 | 62..101 452,4499 516.1747 
30..69 951467 .8 6272693.4 = 63..102 299.1242 217.0505 
31..70 861155.5 5411537.9 ! 64..103 165.9704 51.0801 
32..71 777255.7 4634282.2 
Difference of Age Forty Years. 
; Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N 
Ji ee ies sme eemteerstsummt rnreeems i rere rer: cee whee seit I mts sessment 
d 0&40 | 10570669. 104664037.3 | 12& 52 3560278.8 40767553.4 
1 1..41 8488008.2 96176029.1 | 13.. 53 3354449.8 37413103.6 
4 2..42  7400319.5 88775709.6 14.. 54 3156902.8 34256200.8 
1 3..43 6558121.7 82217587.9 15.. 55 2967708.9 31288491.9 
97 4..44 5978156.1 76239431.8 16.. 56 2785073.6 28503418.3 
34 5..45 5500505.4 70738926.4 17.. 57 2609451.3 25893967.0 
993 6..46 5117866.4 65621060.0 18.. 58 2439669.2 23454297 .8 
340 7..47 4788565.3 60832494.7 19.. 59 2273114.9 21181182.9 
wis 8..48 4497241.9 56335252.8 20.. 60 2108997.7 19072185.2 
a% 9..49 4235959.9  52099292.9 21.. 61 1946131.9 17126053.3 
iil 10..50 3996888.4 48102404.5 22.. 62 1791784.2 15334269.1 
wt? 11..51 3774572.3 44327832.2 23.. 63 1646821.2 13687447,9 
> QF

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