Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Forty Years—continued. 
Ages. D. N. Ages, D. N. 
24 &64  1512187.8 112175260.1 44 & 84 94127.24 296434.40 
25..656  1386294.9 '10788965.2 45.. 85 75008.72 221425.68 
26..66  1268858.9 9520106.3 46.. 86 565601.00 162824.68 
27..67  1159594.9 8360511.4 47... 87 44772.83 118051.85 
28..68  1057225.5 7303285.9 48.. 88 33249.76 84802.09 
29..69 960911.6 6342374.3 49.. 89824595.26 60206.83 
30.470 869944.3 5472430.0 80.. 908818299,71 41907.12 
3le.71 785270.1 4687159.9 5l.. 91 12836.44 29070.682 
32..72 703379.7 3983780.2 52.. 92° 18690.239 20380.443 
33..73 623864.5 3359915.7 53.. 93 5924.864 14455.579 
34..74 547451.3 2812464.4 | 54.. 94 4151.843 10303.736 
35..75 474068.5 2338395.9. + 55.. 95 12943.530 7360.206 
36..76 408063.8 1930332.1 56.. 96 2131.019 5229.187 
37..77 348252.6 1582079.5 57.. 97 1573.141 3656.046 
38..78 295639.3 1286440.2 58.. 98 1151.909 2504.137 
39..79 250505.2 1035934 .98 I 59.. 99 849.195 1654.9415 
40..80 209827 .24 826107.74  60..100 649.1839 1005.7576 
41, .81 174894.45 651213.29 61..101 469.2420 536.5156 
42..82 143658.44 507554.85 § 62..102 310.7487 225.7669 
43.,.83 116993.21 390561.64 63..103 172.5712 53.1957 
Difference of Age Forty-One Years. 
Ages, D. N. Ages. D. N. 
. eee ee le  ———— 
0&41 | 10031921. 98248472.5 23 & 64, 1522914.3 12288941 .4 
1..42 8049119.9° 90199352.6/ 24.. 65 1396198.8 10892742.6 
2..43 7013421.6 83185931.0 25.. 66) 1278207.9 9614534,7 
3..44 6213933.7  76971997.3 26.. 67" 1168202.2 8446332.5 
4..45 5663165.6 ~~ 71308831.7 27.. 68 1065502.3 7380830.2 
5..46 5210625.9 66098205.8 28.. 69° 969343.6 6411486.6 
6..47 4848113.7 61250092.1 @ 29.. 701 878579.0 5532907 .6 
7.048 4537150.1 56712942.0 | 30.. 71 793284.4 4739623.2 
8..49 4264012.7 52448929.3 ' 31.. 72 710632.3 4028990.9 
9..50 4017305.9  48431623.4 32.. 73°  630249.2 3398741.7 
10..51 3791593.4  44640030.0 |, 33.. 74'  553009.7 2845732.0 
11..52 3577523.9  41062506.1 - 34.. 75 478931.3 2366800.7 
12..53 3371306.4 37691199.7 35.. 76 412292.9 1954507.8 
13..54 3173347.6  34517852.1 36.. 77] 351966.5 1602541.3 
14..55 2984196.2° 31533655.9 + 37.. 78  298583.8 1303657 .5 
15. .56 2802422.0 28731233.9 | 38.. 79) 253334 .2 1050323.28 
16. .57 2627074.3  26104159.6 } 39.. 80| 212349.30 837973.98 
17..58 2456655.2  23647504.4 + 40.. 81 177198.91 660775.07 
18..59 2289052.2 21358452.2 . 41.. 82 145665.00 515110.07 
19..60 2123888.8 19234563.4 42.. 83  118699.22 396410.85 
20..61 1959970.8 17274592.6 43.. 84 95520.12 300890.73 
21..62 1804316.3  15470276.3 | 44.. 85 76135.35 224755.38 
22..63 1658420.6 13811855.7 | 45., 86 59481.85 165273.53 

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