Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Forty-Three Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D, N. 
0&43 9015840. 86369671.5 31 & 74 564429.7 2910763.5 
1..44 7227947.9 79141723.6. 32.. 75 488745.1 2422018.4 
2..45! 6295193.7 72846529.9 § 33.. 76 420750.9 2001267 .5 
3..,46] 5576297.5 67270232 .4 34.. 77 359261.9 1642005.6 
4,.47 5081950.2 62188282.2 35.. 78 305201.8 1336803.8 Shas 
5..48 4676828.8 57511453.4 386.. 79° 258845.7 1077958.05 . 
6..49 4355347.0 53156106 .4 | 37.. 80! 217104.00 860854.05 
7..50 4079796.1 49076310,3 1 38.. 81 181353.91 679500.14 
8..51 3836200.4 45240109.9 39.. 82 149358.25 530141.89 
9..52 3612014.1 41628095.8 40.. 83 121943.02 408198.87 ib 
10..53 3402912.3 38225183.5 41.. 84 98266.65 309932.22 } 
11..54 3204742.2 35020441.3 + 42.. 85 78388.64 231543.58 
12..55 3014815.4 32005625.9 43.. 86 61268.70 170274.88 i 
13..56  2832670.3 29172955.6 44... 87 46822.16 123452.72 
14..57 2658124.2  26514831.4 45.. 88 34764.79 83687.93 
15..58 2488652.2 24026179.2 ' 46.. 89, 25693.16 62994.77 oo 
16..59 2320556.3 21705622.9 | 47.. 90] 19094.64 43900.13 
17..60 2153671.0 19551951 9048. , 91813377 .96 30522.168 
18..61 1987648.5 17564303.4 49.. 92 9060.123 21462.045 
19..62 1829977.2 15734326.2 50.. ® 6186.566 15275.479 
20..63 1681895.3 14052430.9 ¢ 51.. 94 4347.260 10928.219 
21..64 1544367.3 12508063.6 1 52.. 95 3090.237 7837.982 
22..65 1416006.3 11092057.3 453.. 96 2243.431 5594.551 
23..66 1296471.0 9795586.3 54.. 97: 1660.938 3933.613 
24..67 1185216.8 8610369.5 55.. 98 1221.166 2712.447 
25..68 1081320.2 7529049.3 656.. 99 906.050 1806.3974 
26..69 984183.9 6544865.4 57..100 699.2582 1107.1392 
27..70 893227.1 5651638.3 58..101 512.0214 595.1178 
28..71 808188.4 4843449.9  59..102 343.1508 251.9670 
29. .72 725010.4 4118439.5 @ 60.,103 192.3736 59.5934 
30..73 643246.3 3475193.2 
Difference of Age Forty-Four Years. 
Ages. | D, N. Ags D. N. | 
0&44 8542664. 80879988.7 | 14 & 55 2502478.0 24210681.2 
1..45 6847105.6 74032883.1 F 15.. 59! 2335011.2 21875670.0 
2..46  9963433.8 68069449.3 | 16.. 60 2168215.8 19707454.2 
3..47 © 5282381.6 | 62787067.7 | 17.. 61 2001487.4 17705966 .8 
4,048 4815131.4 57971936.3 ' 18.., 62: 1842807.5 15863159.3 
5..49 4434286.1 53537650.2 | 19.. 63, 1693770.7 1 14169388.6 
6..50 4130530.5 49407119.7 | 20.. 64' 1555349.3 12614039.3 
7..51 3870242.5 45536877.2 F 21.. 65 1425910.1 11188129,.2 
8..52 3635934.8 41900942.4 | 22.. 66 1305602.7 9882526.5 
9..53 3420295.6 38480646.8 ' 23.. 67 1193624.0 8688902.5 
10..54 3219193.7 35261453.1 24.. 68 1089045.2 7599857 .3 
11..55 3029418.4 32232034.7 25.. 69 991435.5 6608421.8 
12..56 2846904.8 29385129.9 26., 70 899857.3 5708564.5 
13. .57889671970.7 26713159,28 27... 71 814515.6 4894048.9

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