Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Forty-Six Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 46° 7666067, 70730041.8 29& 75 503775.2 2502657 .0 ' 
1... 47 61443831.3 64585660.5 30... 76 433822.6 2068834 .4 
2.. 48, 5352516.0 | 59233144.5 3l.. 77° 370403.9 1698430.5 3 
S Je 19 4745475.5 54487669.0 32.. 78 314650.4 1383780.1 3 
4... 501 4329756.2 50157912,8 33... 791 266893.6 1116886.48 3 
5.. 51] 3989390.0 46168522.8 34.. 80 223967.3% 892919.16 > 
6.. 52! 3713815.8 42454707.0 35.. 51] 187219.81 705699.35 - 
7 i 33) 3473499.1 38981207.9 36... 82 154331.04 551368.31 9 
8.. 64] 3257066 .6 35724141.3 37.. 83 126171.99 425196.32 3B. 
9.. 55, 3058624.4 32665516.9 38.. 84 101895.98 323300.54 ¥.. 
10.. 56! 2873594.5 29791922.4 39.. 85 81498.78 241801.56 sh 
11.. 57] 2698405.2 27093517.2 40.. 861 63860.88 177940.68 Fes 
12... 5802528134 .7 24565362.5 | 41.. 87 48881 .23 129059.45 2. 
13... 59 2360214.5 22205148.0 § 42.. 88 36331.30 92728.15 IX 
14.. 60; 2193842.4 20011305.6 * 43.. 89 26862.78 65865.37 # 
15,. 61 2027556.0 17983749.6 | 44.. 90 19968.61 45896 .76 
16.. 62, 1868170.0 16115579.6 | 45.. 91 13987.52 31909.240 
17.. 63] 1717521.6 14398058.0 | 46.. 92 9464 .,555 22444,685 
18.. 64 1577313.2 12820744.8 . 47.. 93 6455.303 15989 .382 
19.. 65. 1446189.3 11374555.5 48.. HH 4530.651 11458.731 
20.. 66 1324083.3 10050472.2 49,, 95 3221.767 8236.964 
21.. 67 1210438.5 8840033.7 | 50.. 96 2342.521 5894 ,443 
22.. 68 1104495.3 7735538. .4 0051, 97 1739.14 4155.329 
23.. 69 1005601.2 6729937 .200 59.108 1282.030 2873.299 
24.. 70 912963.6 5816973.6 53.. 99 953.845 1919.4541 
23.. 71 826607.4 4990366.2 54..100 738.2840 1181.1701 
28.. 72 742569.4 4247796.8 55..101 542.8066 638.3635 
27.. 73 660461.8 3587335.0 56..102 366.1250 279.9385 
28.. 74 580902.8 3006432,2 57..103 207.2121 65.0264 
Difference of Age Forty-Seven Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& ol 7262004. | 66041809.1 | 16 & 63, 1729121.0 14510198.8 
1.. 48] 5821781.4 60220027.7 | 17.. 64 1588295.1 12921903.7 
Dee i 5074931.8 55145095.9 § 18.. 65 1456328.9 11465574.8 
3... 5301 4500521.2 50644574.7 | 19.. 66, 1333432.4 10132142.4 
4... 51 4107363.9 46537210.8 ' 20.. 67 1219045.9 8913096.5 
5... 82 3781127.3 42756083.5 21.. 68 1112220.4 7800876.1 
6.. 53, 3516693.9 39239389.6 | 22.. 69, 1012684.1 6788192.0 
7.. 54 3285969.5 35953420.1 | 23.. 70 919439.6 5868752.4 
8... 95 3078830.2 32874539.9 ' 24.. 71 832512.9 5036239 .5 
Y.. 56! 2888273.9 29986266.0 25... 72 748040.6 4288198.9 
10... 57) 2710573.4 27275692.6 26... 73] 665364.4 3622834.5 
11.. 58 2540400.4 24735292.2 27,...74 585450.6 3037383.9 
12.. 59] 2372074.9 92363217.3 28.. 73, 508195.8 2529188.1 
13.. 80 2205270.4 20157946.9 29... 76 438128.4 2091059.7 
14.. 61 2038320.2 18119126.7 30... 77 374184.1 1716875.6 
15.. 62 1879806.9 16239319.8 31.. 78 317894.8 139898().8 

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