Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Joint Lj 
Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c¢. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
N Difference of Age Forty-Seven Years—confinued. 
165834. Ages. 'D, N. Ages. D. N. 
198430. 5 —_— — —— —— mn em 
837%0.1 32 & 79) 269624.9  1129355.90 45 & 92| 9606.819 22777.436 
(16886,.48 33.. 80| 226241.31  903114.59 } 46.. 93| 6552.385 16225.051 
PR 34.. 81| 189140.20  713974.39 ' 47.. 94] 4597.794 11627.257 
W131 35.. 82| 155930.48  558043.91 , 48.. 95| 3267.298 8359.959 
in 36.. 83| 127517.56  430526.35 | 49.. 96] 2375.021 5984.938 
Fr 37.. 84| 103014.21  327512.14 } 50.. o7| 1762.767 42922.171 
130 54 33.. 85| 82419.13  245093.01 £ 51.. 98; 1300.619 2921.552 
a 39.. 86| 64628.46  180464.55 | 52.. 99; 968.568 1952.9837 
W130 3 40.. 87| 49525.30  130939.25 33.2100 750.4017 1202.5820 
170.8 41.. 88]  36838.77 94100.48 SpA 552.1356 650.4464 
129039, 45 
a 42.. 89] 27254.49 66845.99 | 55..102, 372.8068 277.6396 
65.37 43.. 90|  20264.12 6581.87 | 56..103] 211.2254 66.4142 
en d4.. 91° 14197.61 32384.255 
£5508.76 — an 
es Difference of Age Forty-Eight Years. 
804,443 Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
{135.39 ere eee errr let eer emperor pt 
1873.09 0& i 6880725. 61592663.6 28 & 76] 441972.9 2113137.2 
919.4541 1.. 49] 5519861.0  56072802.6 | 29.. 77| 377898.2 1735239.0 
9.. 50; 4812971.4  51259831.2 | 30., 78) 321139.2 1414099.8 
ISL170L Soe 5) 4269357.6 ~~ 46990473.6 31... 79] 272405.0 1141694.80 
iin 4., 52! 3892942.2  43097531.4 32.. 80 228556.64 913138.16 
yop 5.. 53, 3580432.7  39517098.7 ! 33.. 81 191060.58 722077 .58 
6.. 54| 3326832.4  36190266,3 34.. 82 157529.91 564547.67 
7.. 55 3106202.0  33084064.3 ' 35.. 83, 128839.11 435708.56 
8.. 56] 2907401.6  30176662.7 36.. 84 104112.82 331595.74 
9.. 571 2724420,0  27452242.7 | 37.. 85, 83323.63 248272.11 
10.. 58] 2551856.1  24900386.6 | 38.. 86  65338.30 182913.81 
\. 11.. 59| 2383564.6  22516822.0 , 39.. 87 50120.59 132793.22 
— 12.. 60! 2216352.2  20300469.8 ' 40.. 88; 37324.17 9546905 
£10198.8 13.. a 2049440.8  18251029.0 . 41.. 89: 27635.18 67833.87 
971903.7 14.. 62 1890250.3  16360778.7 | 42.. 90  20559.61 47274.26 
ME 15.. 63] 1739891.7  14620887.0 43.. 91 14407.71 32866..552 
Sie 16., 64] 1599021.7  13021865.3 4d.. 92, 9751.114 23115.438 
pu 17.. 65, 1466468.4  11555396.9 | 45.. 93]  6650.875 16464.563 
7800876. 18.. 66 1342781.3  10212615.6 | 46.. 94'  4666.942 11797.621 
1758192.0 19.. 67, 1227653.2 8984962,4 | 47.. 95} 3315.718 8481.903 
i8GaTiLd 20.. 68 1120129.3  7864833.1 | 48.. 96] 2408.584 6073.319 
03523. 21.. 69] 1019767.0 6845066.1 = 49.. 97 1787.222 4286.097 
asf. 22.. 70| 925915.7 5919150.4 50.. 98 1318.309 2967.788 
3528.5 23,. 71, 838418.2 5080732.2 , 51.. 99. 982.611 1985.1773 
037383.9 24,. 72| 753384.8 4327347.4 ' 52..100° 761.9847 1223.1926 
5188.1 25.. 73| 670266.8 3657080.6 53..101 561.1979 661.9947 
9103.7 2.. 74) 589796.2 3067284.4  54..102 379.2140 262.7807 
716873.8 27.. 751 512174.3  2355110.1 55..103 215.0802 67.7005 
20R08F 7 

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