Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Forty-Nine Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 49! 6523887. 57366350.2 Fr 28 & 77 381214.2 1753488.1 
l.. 50; 5234933.8 52131416.4 29.. 78 324326.6 1429161.5 
2.. 51 4565759.3 47565657.1  30.. 79 275185.2 1153976 .33 
3.., 52 4046479.4 43519177.7  31.. 80] 230913.32 923063.01 
4.. 531 3686312.8 39832864.9 32,. 81: 193015.88 730047.13 
5. 54 3387129.9 36445735.0 33.. 82 159129.34 570917.79 
6.. 55 3144829.2 33300905.8 | 34.. 83 130160.66 440757 .13 
7.. 56 2933201.6 30367704.2 35... 84; 105191.81 335565.32 
8.. 57. 2742462.5 27625241.7. 36,. 85 84212.24 251353.08 
9.. 58; 2564892.0 25060349.7° 37.. 86 66075.56 185277.52 
10... 59, 2394313.1 22666036.6 38,. 87 50686.59 134590.92 
11.. 60) 2227087 .7 20438948.9 | 39.. 88 37772.80 96818.13 
12.. 61" 2059739.4 18379209.5 | 40.. 89, 27999.32 68818.81 
13.. 62 1900096.8 16479112.7 | 41.. 90° 20846.78 47972.03 
14.. 63 1749557.8 14729554.9 § 42.., 91 14617.80 33354 .23C 
15.. 64 1608982.1 13120572.8 43.. 92 9895.409 23458.821 
16.. 65 1476372.3 11644200.5 44.. 93° 6750.771 16708.05€¢ 
17.. 66] 1352130.5 10292070.0 ; 45.. 94 4737.091 11970.959 
18.. 67 1236260.6 9055809.4 | 46.. 95 3365.584 8605.375 
19.. 68 1128038.3 7927771.% | 47.. 96 2444.,278 6161.097 
20.. 69 1027018.5 6900752.6 i 48.. 97 1812.479 4348.618 
21.. 700 1932391.6 5968361.0/ 1 49., 98] 1336.598 3012.020 
22.. 71 844323.5 5124037.5 50.. 99, 595.976 2016.0443 
23.. 721 758728.9 4365308.6  51..100 773.0331 1243.0112 
24.. 731675055.2 3690253.4  52..101 569.8603 673.1509 
25.. 74] 594141.8 3096111.6°1853, .102 385.4381 287.7128 
26... 75 515976.2 2580135.4 54..103 218.7767 68.9361 
27.. 76. 445433.1 2134702.3 
Difference of Age Fifty Years. 
| Bs 
Ages, D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 50 6187134. 53349755.2 } 17 & 67° 1244868.0 91257957 
l.. 51 4966048.2 48383707.0 | 18..68 1135947.2 7989848.5 
2.. 82 4327407.7 44056299.3/ | 19..69] 1034270.0 6955578.5 
3.. 53 3831700.4 40224598.9 | 20..70 939021.9 6016556.6 
4.. 54 3487293.8 36737305.1 \ 2].,71 850228.8 5166327.8 
5.. 65 3201828.0 33535477 .1 22..72 764072.9 4402254.9 
6.. 56 2969677.6 30565799.5 1 23,.73 679843.6 3722411.3 
7.. 571 2766798.9 27799000.6 | 24..74 598386 .4 3124024 .9 
8s. 58 2581877.9 25217122.7 °° 25..75 519777 .9 2604247.0 
9.. 69 2406544.1 22810578.6 I 26..76 448739 .4 2155507.6 
10.. 60] 2237130.5 20573448.1 | 27..77 384198.7 1771308.9 
11.. 61182069716.2 18503731.9 ¢ 28..78 327172.7 1444136.2 
12.. 62] 1909645.1 16594086.8  29..79 277916.5 1166219.68 
13.. 63 1758671.5 14835415.3  30..80 233270.00 932949.68 
14.. 64 1617920.8 13217494.5 31..81 195006.09 737943.59 
15.. ol 1485568.7 11731925.8 | 32..82 160757 .86 577185.73 
16.. 66] 1361262.1 10370663.7 ' 33..83 131482, 21 445703.52 

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