Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Two Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0&52 5562936. 45900865.5 | 26 & 78 332181.6 1472830.8 
1..53 4456972.4 41443893.1 * 27.. 79, 282550.1 1190280.66 
2..54 3876487.2 37567405.9 28.. 80 237652.59 952628.07 
3..55 3426526.0 34140879.9 29... 81 198951.60 753676.47 
4..56 3112912.4 31027967.5 30... 82 164073.05 589603.42 
5..57 2851976.2 28175991.3 31.. 83 134197.39 455406.03 
6..58 ! 2637181.3 25538810.0 32.. 84 108448.40 346957.63 
7..59 ' 2443978.4 23094831.6 33.. 85 86830.49 260127.14 
8..60 ' 2263449.7 20831381.9 34.. 86 68164.40 191962.74 
9..61 + 2089670.0 18741711.9 | 35.. 87 52326.05 139636.69 
10..62 1927548.0 16814163.9 36.. 88 39030.41 100606 .28 
11..63 1776070.4 15038093.5 37.. 89 28970.33 71635.95 
12..64 1634521.5 13403572.0 38... 90 21616.71 50019.24 
13..65 1501603.3 11901968.7 | 39..-91915197.79 34821.446 
14..66 1377351.1 10524617.6  40.. 92 10314.070 21507.376 
15..67 1261081.9 9263535.7 4l.. 93 7047.648 17459.728 
16..,68 1151581.1 8111954.6 42.. 94 4950.545 12509.183 
17..69 - 1048773.1 7063181.5 43.. 95 3518.793 8990.390 
18..70 ' 952282.2 6110899.3 44.. 96 2556.157 6434.233 
19..71 862320,7 5248578.6 45.. 97 1895.064 4539.169 
20..72 774888.2 4473690.4 46.. 98, 1396.262 3142 .907 
21..73 689420.5 3784269.9 47.. 99, 1039.239 2103.6678 
22..74 606875 .6 3177394.3 48..100 805.6438 1298.0240 
23..75 527204 .4 2650189.9 49..101 594.1154 703.9086 
24..76 455275 .2 2194914.7 50..102 402.4629 301.4457 
20.077 389902.3 1805012.4 51..103 229.0739 72.3718 
Difference of Age Fifty-Three Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0&53 5267666. 42455621.4 19 & 72 780359.5 4508543.0 
1..54 4216346.4 38239275.0 ' 20.. 73" 694322.9 3814220.1 
2..55 3664413.8 34574861.2 21.. 74 611120.1 3203100.0 
3..56 3235685.3 31339175.9 22.. 75 530917.9 2672182.1 
4..57 2936314.6 28402861.3 23.. 76 458504.7 2213677 .4 
5..58 2684979.2 25717882.1 24.. 77 392687.7 1820989.7 
6..59 2474370.5 23243511.6 25.. 78 334629.0 1486360.7 
7..60 2283535.4 20959976.2 26.. 79 284647.3 1201713.39 
8..61 2103508.8 18856467.4 27.. 80 239513.13 962200.26 
9..62 1937394.6 16919072.8 28... 81 200697.41 761502.85 
10..63 1784079.4 15134993.4 | 29.. 82 165701.57 595801.28 
11..64 1642438.7 13492554.7 30.. 83 135567.00 460234.28 
12..65 1509149.1 11983405.6 31.. 84 103566.63 + 350667 .65 
13..66 1384525.8 10598879.8 32.. 85 87719.09 262948.56 
14..67 1268087.9 9330791.9 33.. & 68856.50 194092.06 
15..68 1158754.5 8172037.4 34.. 87 52862.78 141229.928 
16..69 1055855.9 7116181.5 35.. 88 39434.91 101794.37 
17..70 958912.4 6157269.1 36.. 89 29279.28 72515.09 
18.,71 868366 .6 5288902.5 37.. 90 21853.94 50661.15 
fy 2 

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