Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Lives. Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &e. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Two Years. 
Ages. | D. N. Pr Ages. D. NH 
0 & 2|73324536.  953363955.0 52 & 54/3590397.3 135298169.5 
1.. 3[56322680.7 897041274.3 ! 53.. 55|3374832.9 131923336.6 
2.. 4/48366962.4 848674311.9 54,. 56|3165850.0 28757486.6 
3.. 5]42648566.7 806025745.2 | 55.. 57|2964296.2 25793190.4 
4.. 6[39126132.2 766899613.0 | 56.. 58/2767313.3 23025877.1 
5.. 7|36442288.3 730457324.7 | 57.. 59(2571865.1 20454012.0 
6.. 834445347.6 696011977.1 | 58.. 60|2375653.2 118078358.8 
7.. 9|32814011.1 663197966.0 | 59.. 61/2175258.0 15903100.8 
8..10(31417549.7 631780416.3 | 60.., 62|1978750.5 '13924350.3 
9..11130165771.0 601614645.3 . 61., 63|1787322.4 12137027.9 
10..12|28997849.8 572616795.5 ' 62.. 64/1609169.5 10527858.4 
11..13|27886733.3 544730062.2 63.. 65/1444048.0 + 9083810.4 
12..14/26804360.4 517925701.8 64.. 66]1292962.8 7790847.6 
13..15|25750474.4 492175227.4 65.. 67|1154148.5 6636699. 1 
14..16|24716941.5 467458285.9 66,. 68/1026798.4 5609900. 7 
15.,17|23704362.9 443753923.0 67.. 69] 910184.5 4699716.2 
16..18|22713337.0 421040586.0 68., 70| 802979.4 3896736.8 
17..1921751351.8 399289234.2 69.. 71| 704987.6 3191749.2 
18..20(20824763.7 378464470.5 i 70.. 72 612539.5 2579209.7 
19..21119935687.4 358528783.1 * 71.. 73' 525561.6 2053648. 1 
20..22/19085843.6 339442939.5 | 72.. 74 442712.1 1610936.0 
21..23|18270423.3 321172516.2 | 73.. 75 364419.0 1246517.0 
22..24/17491001.7 303681514.5 | 74.. 76 295010.4 951506.6 
23..25116743168.4 286938346.1 | 75.. 77 233758.8 717747.8 
3 24..26116022951.0 270915395.1 1 76., 78 183218.8 534529.0 
i 25..27115332110.0 255583285.1 | 77.. 79, 142201.5 392327.47 
= 26..28/14661882.9 240921402.2 | 78.. 80] 108636.50 283690.97 
0.4 27..29[14007042.8 226914359.4 | 79.. 81] 82553.59 201137.378 
43.670 28..30113360819.6 213553539.8 | 80.. 82" 61203.816 139933.562 
Ha. 161 29..31112728922.7 200824617,1 * 81.. 83 44846.016 95087.546 
Ee 30..32112111834,5 188712782.6 82., 84 32023.352 63064.194 
8.012 31..33|11522344.4 177190438.2 83.. 85 22474.185 40590.009 
48.005 32..34'10961278.9 166229159.3 84.. 86 15279,896 25310.113 
[64.798 33..35|10427256.0 155801903.3 85.. 87 10064.986 15245.127 
311.199 34,.36| 9918998.8 145882904.5 86.. 88  6316.526 8928.601 
ity 35..37| 9431733.4 136451171.1 87.. 89  3858.845 5069.756 
115.585 36..38, 8964715.1 127486456.0 ! 88., 90  2303.700 2766.056 
1.38 37..39) 8515600.5 118970855.5 89.. 91 1290.270 1475.7861 
id 101 38. io] 8080700.3 110890155.2 = 90., 92 701.9802 773.8059 
181.8435 39..411 7656844.7 103233310.5 ' 91., 93 362.8450 410,96088 
oe 10.,42| 7244352.2 95988958.3 92.. 94 186.38979 224.57109 
103.6054 41..43| 6842111.5 89146846.8 93., 95 97.71892 126 .85217 
9.3099 42..44| 6455788.6  82691058.2 94., 96 53.87835 72.97382 
7.0151 43..45| 6086256.6 76604801.6 95.. 97 30.70315 42.27067 
1.60673 44. .46| 5736594.2  70868207.4 96.. 98 17.77493 24.49574 
4.100 45,.47] 5405793.7 65462413.7 97.. 99 10.61158 13.884157 
19,1685 46..48 5095114.5 60367299.2 98..100 6.556138 7.328019 
) S344 47..49 1805509,7 55561789.5 99,.101 3.889833 3.4381856 
rn 48..50 4334503.4 51027286.1 '00..102 2.2070673 1.2311183 
5695607 49..51 1282833.0 46744453.1 01.,103 9999658 -2311525 
£57958 50..52 4042578.5 42701874.6 
146015 51..53' 3813307.8 38888566.8 

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