Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Five Y ears—continued. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
16& 71  880318.0 5368390.0 33 & 88 40243.91 } 104092.97 
17..72  791302.1 4577087 .9 34., 89, 29886.16 74206 .81 
18..78 704127.8 3872960. 1 35.. 90] 22315.91 51890.90 
19..74 619811.5 3253148.6 36.0 91 15703.79 36187.112 
20..75 538432.9 2714715.7 37.. 921 10671.759 255154353 
91..76  464963.5 2249752.2  38.. 93, 7307.943 18207.410 
09..77 898258.,7 1 1851493.5 39.. 94 5146.964 13060.446 
23..78 339410.3 1512083.2 40.¢ 95, 3667.668 9392,.778 
24,.,79  288793.3 1223289.87 4l.. 96 2668.568 6724.210 
25,.80 243068.82 980221.05 4246 97! 1980.457 4743.753 
26.,81 203770.02 776451.03 i 43.. 98 1459.823 3283.930 
27..82 168464.24 607986.79 « 44.. 99 1086.806 2197 .1242 
98..83 138113.98 469872.81 45..100 842.3530 1354.7712 
29,.84 111783.46 358089.35 46..101 620.6360 734.1352 
30..85 89528.06 268561.29 47..102 419.9454 314.1898 
31..86 70278.42 198282.87 48..103 238.7375 75.4523 
32,.87 53945.99 144336.88 
Difference of Age Fifty-Six Years. 
Ages. D. N. Pages. D. N. 
0 &56 4448289. 33156497.7 . 24 & 80! 244805.33 988733.43 
1..57 3550179.8 29606317.9  25.. 81 205271.40 783462.03 
2..58 3072893.0 96533424.9 26... 82] 169714.70 613747.33 
3..59 2696011.2 23837413.7 27. i 139195.25 474552.08 
4..60 2423442.6 21413971.1 28.. 84 112764.36 361787.72 
5..61 © 2187507.6 19226463.5 29... 85, 90416.67 271371.05 
6..62 1991998.5 17234465.0 30.0 56 70995.68 200375.37 
7..63 1821086.6 15413378.4 31.. 87 54502.23 145873.14 
8..64 1669256.0 13744123.,4 32.. 88 40655.76 105217.38 
9..65 1531078.9 12213044.5 33.. 89 30189.60 75027.78 
10..66 1404528.4 10808516.1 34.. 90 22544.81 52482,97 
11..67 1287304.4 9521211.7 35.. 91 15866.54 36616.428 
12..68 1177147.4 8344064.3 36. 92, 10785.570 25830.858 
13..69 1073900.4 7270163.9 37... 93, 7388.141 18442.717 
14..70 976798.6 6293365.3 38.. 94°  5205.087 13237.630 
15..71 885801.5 5407563.8 | 39. 95 3711.753 9525.877 
16..72 796646,1 4610917.7 40.. 96 2703.731 6822.146 
17..73 709030.3 3901887.4 41.. 97! 2008.120 4814.026 
18..74 624157.2 3277730.2 - 42.. 98 1481.111 3332.915 
19..75 542234,7 2735495.5 ! 43.. 99 1102.890 2230.0253 
20..76 468269.9 2267225.6 + 44..100 855.0052 1375.0201 
21..77 401044.1 1866181.5 45..101 629.9650 745.0551 
22 4 78 341801.0 1524380.5 46..102 426.2610, 318.7941 
23.479 290841.7 1233538.76* 47,.103 242,2756. 76.5185

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