Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
at Lifes, (Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fiftv-Seven Years. 
Ages, D. N. Ages. Da. N. 
, 0&57 4195934, 30379413.,0 | 24 & 81: 206737.89 790221 .28 
! 1..58 3342299.4 27037113.6 ' 25,. 2 170965.16 619256.12 
Aer 2..59 2883182.9 24153930.7 26.. 83} 140228,46 479027 .66 
hy 3..60 2519022.9 21634907.8 27.. 84 113647.17 365380.49 
wi 4,.61 2252196.2 19382711,6 . 28.. 85 91210,08 274170.41 
7.11 5..62  2028102.8  17354608.8 | 29.., 86 71700.34 202470.07 
15.952 6..63 1843732.8  15510876.0 | 30.. 87, 55058.48  147411.59 
. 7..64 1684067.9 13826808.1 | 31.,, 88 41074.97 106336.62 
07.410 8..656 1541218.5 12285589.6 [ 32.. 89 30498.56 , 75838.06 
0.6 9..66 1411703.2 10873886.4 ~ 33.,. 90 22773.71 - 53064.35 
“all 10..67 1293109.4  9580777.0 | 34.. 91; 16029.29 ' 37035.062 
79m 11,.68 1182849.2 §397927.8 | 35.. 92 10897.348 26137.714 
Co 12,.69  1079296.9 7318630.9 ! 36.. 93 7466.933 18670.781 
283,330 13..70 981886.8 6336744.1 37., 94 5262,210 13408,571 
{197,142 14.,71 890722.6 5446021.5 38... 95 3753.669 9654,902 
Mae 1110 
Ts 15..72  801608.5  4644413,0 | 89.. 96 2736.228 6918.674 
ao 16..73  713818.7  3930594.3 | 40.. 97]  2034.580 4884.,094 
i 17..74 628502.7 3302091.6 41., 98 1501,799 3382.295 
5.45% 18..75  546036.4 2756055.2 42.. 99! 1118.971 2263,3241 
19..76 471576.3 2284478.9 4 43..100 867.6574 1395.6667 
20,.77 403896.0 1880582.9 | 44,.101 639.4270 756.2397 
21..78 344191.6 1536391,3 {| 45.,102 432.6681 323.5716 
22..79 292890.3 1243501.00f 46,.103 245,9191 77.6525 
23..80 246541.83 996959,17 
v Difference of Age Fifty-Eight Years. 
8733.43 Ages. D. N. Ages, D. N. 
(0462.03 ———— eee 
1341.38 0 &58 3950242, 27755030,5 « 23 & 81° 208204.36 796749 ,.44 
1450.8 1..59 3135957.1 24619073.4 24,. 82, 172186,56 624562.88 
§1781.73 2..60 2693906.8 21925166.6  25,, 83 141261,67 483301.21 
nal. 05 3..61 2341022.5 ' 19584144.1 26,. 84 114490.75 368810.46 
big 4..62 2088077,5  17496066.6 27.. 85 91924.15 276886,31 
3973.14 9..63 1877149.8  15618916.8 , 28.. 86 72329.51 204556 ,80 
5217.38 6..64 1705010.1 ' 13913906.7 29.. 87, 55604.97 148951.83 
3027.78 7..65 1554895.2 12359011.5 30.., 88 41494,18 107457 .65 
aT 8..66 1421052,3 10937959.2  31,. 89 30813.04 76644.61 
Et 9..67 1299715.0 9638244.2 32,, 90 23006.78 53637,83 
13830,858 10,.68 1188183.1 8450061.1 33., 91 16192.04 37445.789 
4717 11..69 1084524,7 7365536.4 34,. 92 11009,126 26436 .663 
937.630 12..70 986821.0 6378715.4 35... 93, 7544.318 18892.345 
i 13..71 895362.5 9483352.9 36., 94, 9318,329 13574,016 
le 14.72 8060619 ~~ 4677291.0 37., 95) 3794.864 9779152 
S14. 15..73  718265,1  3959025.9 38.. 96  2767.128 7012,024 
13.8 16..74 632747 .4 3326278,5 39.. 97 2059,034 4952.990 
1230.08 17..75 549838.1 2776440.4  40,, 98, 1521.587 3431.403 
oo iil 18,.76 474882,6 2301557.8  4l.. 99, 1134.601 2296.8015 
sa 19..77 406747.8 1894810,0 42,.100 880.3097 1416.4918 
” 5, 1) 
ra 20..78 346639,1 1548170.9  43,.101 648.8892 767.6026 
75518 21..79 294938.8 1253232,13. 44..102, 439.1668 328.4358 
- 92..80 | ©248278.33  1004953.80° 45..1031 249.6155 78.8203 

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