Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Caxlisle 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Three Years. 
Ages. 'D. N. | Ages. D, N. 
0& Sn 913973739.3 | 51 & 54 3642456.4 36401750.4 
1.. 4/52607387.5 861366351.8 52.. 55(3426926.1 32974824.3 
9.. 5 45609458.4 815756893.4  53.. 56{3217811.8 29757012.5 
3.. 6/40669260.7 775087632.7 | 54., 57|3015241.7 26741770.8 o! 
4.. 7|37519954.9 737567677.8 1 55. 58|2817816.8 23923954.0 
5.. 8/35069656.5 702498021.3 56.. 59|2621676.9 '21302277.1 a 
6.. 9/33222071.2 669275950.1 | 57.. 60(2426356.7 118875920.4 Jos ¥ 
7..10/31696346.8 637579603.3 | 58.. 61]2229218.7 [10546701 .2 £00 
8..11/30365544.3 607214059.0 © 59.. 62(2036326.0 14610375 .7 7.113 
9..12|29145981.2 578068077.8 60.. 63/1849251.7 112761124.0 SB 
10..13]28012485.9 550055391.9 61.. 64/1668891.2 11092232.8 3 
11..14|26934194.0 523121397.9 , 62.. 65(1500166.3 | 9592066.5 10.148 
12..15|25879873.8 497241524.1 | 63.. 66{1344385.1 8247681 .4 10,154 
13. .16/24845695.8 472395828.3 | 64.. 67 1201951.2 7045730.2 12.16 
14..17|23836053.8 448559774.5 } 65.. 6811070793.9 5974936.3 13.172 
15..18/22854819.3 425704955.2 | 66.. 69 950585.9 5024350.4 fn 
16..19]21898249.5 403806705.7 | 67. 70] 840277 .8 4184072.6 B.. 18k 
17..20/20969754.7 382836951.0 | 68.. 71' 739329.5 3444743.1 16.32 
18..21/20075461.5 362761489.5 69.. 72 644174.3 2800568.8 7.2 
19..22|19220604.0 343540885.5 1 70.. 73) 554182.5 2246386 .3 15.51 
90..23/18400343.6 325140541.9 § 71.. 74 470394.5 1775991.8 ae 
91..24(17613336.7 307527205.2 72... 75 391061.5 1384930.3 0... 41 
99..25/16861097.7 290666107.5 73.. 76 320008.6 1064921.7 91.5% 
93. .96/16136608.1 274529499.4 74... 77 256925.4 807996.3 2. 
24..27015441643.6 259087855.8 75.. 78 202568.6 605427.73 3.91 
95..28]14769912.5 244317943.3 76.. 79 158525.0 446902.73 Hol 
26..29/14111013.5 230206929.8 | 77.. 80 121712.28 325190.45 %..441 
97..30113465418.9 216741510.9 | 78.. 8 92634.14 232556.31 %. 3h 
28. .31'12840619.1 203900891.8 | 79.. 82 69424.26 163132.052 7. 3il® 
29..32112232051.1 191668840.7 ' 80.. 83 51061.235 112070.817 %. JK 
30..33111639940 .4 180028900.3 } 81.. 84  36970.407 75100.410 8.3 
31..34/11074302.2 168954598.1 82.. 85 26153.748 48946.662 3.3 
32..3510533967.7 158420630.4 83.. 86! 17995.038 30951.624 NB 
33..36 10019708.6 148400921.8 84.. 87 11964.893 18986.731 0.3) 
34..37! 9528478,2 138872443.6 85.. 88 7659.003 11327.728 B31 
35..38 9057622.4 129814821.2 | 86.., 89! 4784.445 6543.283 HB 
36..39, 8606416.3 121208404.9 | 87.. 90| 2939 .204 3604.079 ¥.0 
37..40' 8169379.6 113039025.3 88.. 91  1653.826 1950.2528 $4 
38..41, 7743312.0 105295713.3 89.. 92 894.7776 1055.4752 7. 4 
39..49) 7331427.1 97964286.2 90.. 93; 490.7047 564.7705 5.8 
40. .43] 6932265.0 91032021.2 91.. 94 260.9457 303.82479 3.8 
41..44 6545960.5 ' 84486060.7 92... 95 135.72072 168.10407 84 
42..45) 6175006.6 78311054.1 93.. 96 72.73577 95.36830 1.4 
43. 46] 5821483.3 72489570.8 94.. 97 40.93764 54.43076 ig 
44. .47) 5486989.1 67002581.7  95.. 98, 23.18469 31.24607 8p 
45..48 5171699.9 61830881.8 96.. 99) 13.55924 17.686828 5K 
46..49 4877780.8 56953101.0 + 97..100: 8.429320 9.257508 4 
47..500 4601703.5 52351397.5  98..101 4.950697 4.306811 . 
48..51 4343357.5 48008040.0 99..102 2.697527 1.6092838 [- 
49..52 4098661.6 43909378.4 100..103 1.2856703 .3236135 R 
50..53 3865171.6 40044206.8 " 
RL . - 

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