Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Four Years. 
Ages. D. N. Im D. N. 
0 & 4/62176324.  877502453.4 51 & 55|3476614.9 33990384. 6 
1.. 5/49608128.0 827894325.4° 52. 56(3267481.2 30722903.4 
. 2.. 6]43492738.3 784401587.1 53,. 57|3064731.5 27658171.9 
3.. 7|38999735.9 745401851.2 54. 58(2866244.7 24791927.2 
4.. 8/36106731,9 709295119.3 55.. 59|2669522.4 22122404.8 
5.. 9/33824208.9 675470910.4 § 56.. 60(2473350.6 119649054. 2 
6..10132090508.2 643380402.2 | 57,. 61|2276797.2 17372257 .0 
7..11|30635006.1 612745396.1' 58,, 62/2086840.3 15285416.7 
’ 8..12(29339000.9 583406395.2 59.. 63/1903059.2 13382357.5 
Ls 9..13/28155583.7 555250811.5 1 60,. 6411726717.0 11655640.5 
id 10..14(27055651.3 528195160.2 61.. 65]|1555842.5 10099798.0 
11..15(26005229.4 502189930.8 * 62.. 66/1396630.2 8703167.8 
_ 12..16(24970548.6 177219382.2 63... 67/1249753.9 7453413.9 
E 13..17(23960219.4 153259162.8 64,, 68|1115144.3 6338269.6 
14..18/22981790.5 430277372.3 | 65.. 69] 991316.0 5346953. 6 
15..19]22034654.6 408242717.7 66.. 70| 877576.3 | 4469377.3 
16..20{21111374.0 387131343.7 + 67.. 71] 773671.5 | 3695705.8 
17..21|20215235,6 366916108.1 68.. 72| 675553.7 3020152.1 
18..22119355364,5 347560743.6  69.. 73' 552803.4 2437348.7 
i 19..23118530264.0 3:9030479.6 70.. 74} 496011.0 1941337.7 
0a 20..24[17738584.5 311291895.1 y 71.. 75 415514.4 1525823.3 
I 21..25(16979027.1 294312868.0 | 72.. 76 343404.3 1182419.0 
#3 22..26(16250265.2 278062602.8 " 73.. 77 278696.3 903722.7 
wn 23..27115551177.3 262511425.5  74,. 78 222644.0 681078.7 
a 24..25114875429.8 247635995.7 ' 75.. 79 175266.7 505811.97 
0.5 25. 200121 fons 5 233421011.4 4 76.. 80 135683.67 370128.30 
156.31 26..30/13565369.3 219855642.1  77.. 81 103783.83 266344.47 
(32.050 27..31012941145.9 206914496.2 78.. 82, 77901.60 188442.87 
10.817 28..32 2339387.5 194575108.7 | 79. 83] 57919.40 130523.473 
29..33111755473.3 182819635.4 | 80.. 84' 42094.143 88429.330 
por 30..34 11187325.5 171632309.9 gl1.. 85  30194.030 58235.280 
516 31..35 10642584,9 160989725.0 82.. 86, 20941.256 > 37294.024 
£73 32..36.10122249.4 150867475.6 83.. 87 14090.980 23203. 044 
mg 3) 9625223.0 '41242252.6 84.. 88  9104.748 14098.296 
oo 34..38] 9150529,7 :32091722.9 85,. 89  5801.304 8296.,992 
ig 35..39| 8695610.3 123396112.6 86,. 90, 3644.216 4652.776 
eh 36..40| 8256503.0 115139609.6 §7., 91  2110.053 2542,7231 
ys 37..41, 7828288.7 '07311320.9 88., 92; 1146.8973 1395.8258 
oa. 38. .42) 7414219.7 99897101.2  89.. 93] 625.4757 770.3501 
fd. 18 39..43| 7015588.9 92881512.3 90.. 94 352.8980 417.4521 
io sh 10..44] 6632211.9  86249800.4 | 91.. 95° 190.0090 927.,44310 
usu 41.,45) 6261256.8 79988043.6 92.. 96,  101.02190 126.42120 
95.365 42..46' 5906372.5 74081671.1 93.. 97] 55.26567 71.15553 
py 43..47 5565184.6 68513486.5 94.. 98, 30.91292 40.24261 
3124601 44,.48| 5249379.4 63264107.1 95,, 99 17.68596 22.556646 
1488 45..49| 4951099.4 58313007.7 96. .100| 10.770798 11.785848 
go 46..50| 4670909.6 53642098.1 97..101, 6.365182 3.12000 
isl 47..51) 4407725.0 49234373.1 98,.102, 3.433216 1.987 > 
Li 48..52| 4156583.6 45077789.5 99..103 1.571375 .4160745 
o 49..53| 3918793.6 41158995,9 
50..54) 3691996.4 37466999.5 
20 2

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