Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Carlisle 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Five Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& Se. 843335982.3 51,. 56|3314858.1 [31654927 .5 
1.. 6]47305831.0 796030151.3 52.. 57|3112037.9 28542889 .6 
2.. 7141707306.2 75432281i5.1 53.. 58{2913289.1 25629600.5 
3.. 8 37530775.6 716792069.5 54.. POL) 8 22914198.7 La 
4.. 9/34824153.9 681967615.6 55.. 6012518489.2 20395709.5 
5..10]32672136.6 649295479.0 | 56.. 61/2320894.1 Jiri " 
6..11/31015969.1 618279509.9 | 57.. 62|2131379.8 15943435 .6 rn 
7..12|29599353.1 588680156.8 | 58.. 63|1950267.6 113993168.0 fi 
8..13|28342044.6 560338112.2 § 59., 64'1776959.1 '12216208.9 
9..14/27193861.2 533144251.0 | 60.. 6511609751.2 10606457 .7 
10..15|26122497.6 507021753.4 61.. 66|1448464.0 I 9157993.7 SY 
11..16/25091499.6 481930253.8 62.. 67'1298321.4 | 7859672.3 oh 
12..17|24080622.6 457849631.2 | 63.. 68:1159494.5 6700177.8 i 
13..18/23101506.2 434748125.0 64,., 69 1032374.5 5667803.3 Sn 
14..19|22157069.3 412591055.7 65.. 701 915178.2 4752625.1 feat 
15..20[21242877.5 391348178.2 ' 66.. 71 808013.5 3944611.6 pe 
16..21/20851759.2 370996419.0 ' 67.. 72| 706933.4 3237678.2 Ho 
17..22|19490124,9 351506294.1 ! 68.. 73 611193.3 2626484.9 an 
18..23/18660184.3 332846109.8 69.. 74 521627.6 + 2104857.3 Sus 
19..24|17863832.4 314982277.4 70.. 75 438142.3 1666715.0 ie 
20..25[17099764.4 297882513.0 71.. 76, 364877.0 1301838.0 eed 
21..26/16363922.3 281518590.7 72.. 77 299071.7 ' 1002766.3 alia 
22..27(15660711.0 265857879.7 73.. 78 241510.1 I 761256.2 weet 
23..28[14980947.1 250876932.6 74.. 79 192636.5 568619.65 ed 
94..29/14316537.2 236560395.4 75.. 801 150013.29 418606 .36 id 
25. -30| 13665319.7 222895075.7 76.. 81 115697.22 302909.14 5. 
26..31!13037204.7 209857871.0 77.. 82 87278.05 215631.09 $3 
97. 32] 2433990.2 197421880.8 78.. 83, 64991.89 150639.20 pI 
28..33 11858627.7 185563253.1 79.. 84 47747.92 102891 .276 Rt 
29,.34! 11298366.0 174264887.1 80.. 85 34378.650 68512.626 B.¥ 
30..35/10751202.1 163513685.0 1 81,. 86. 24176.320 44336.306 30.3 
31..36/10226621.5 153287063.5 ' 82.. 87 16398.011 27938 .295 AY 
32..37] 9723726.6 143563336.9 83.. 88 10722.605 17215.690 2.3 
5a 0243437.0 134319899.9 84.. 89 6896.381 10319.309 Bo. 
34..39| 8784804.4 125535095.5 85.. 90 4418.737 5900.572 3.4 
35,.40| 8342070.7 117193024.8 ' 86.. 91 2616.182 3284.3899 5.4 
36..41| 7911774.6 109281250.2 87.. 92|  1463.2828 1821.1071 ¥. 8 
37..42| 7495584.9 101785665.3 88.. 93 801.7147 1019.3924 3.4 
38..43| 7094814.7 94690850.6 89.. 23 449.8207 569.5717 R, 4 
39..44| 6711929.2 87978921.4 90.. 95 256.9646 312.6071 Ns 
40..45 6343756.9 81635164.5 | 91.. 24 141.4307 171.17636 9.4% 
41..46, 5988870.5 75646294.0  92.. 97 76 .75788 94.41848 Ls 
42..47. 5649380.3 69996913.7 | 93.. 98 41.73244 52.68604 T 
43, .48, 5327058.7 64669855.0 = 94-. 99 23.58128 29.104759 Ny 
44..49, 5025465.3 59644389.7 95..100' 14.048867 15.055892 iL 
45..50| 4741118.7 54903271.0 96..101 8.133289 6.922603 
46..51 4474013.7 50429257 3 97..102) 4.414135 2.508468 
47,.52 42181£3.0 46211074.3 98..103 1.999932 .508536 
48..53 3974173.5 42226900.8 
49..54, 3743215.8 38493685.0 
50,.55 3523899.4 349697&5.6 

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