Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Six Years, 
Ages. D. N. Ages, D. N 
1.4 0 & 6] 55910449, 810839873.2 51& 57(3157161.1 29395780.8 
9.6 1.. 7| 45363866.6 765476006.6 52.. 58/2958257.9 26437522.9 
la 2.. 8] 40136362.8 725339643.8 53.. 59(2759970.3 23677552.6 
Li 3.. 9 36197924.9 689141718.9 54... 6012561772.9 21115779.7 
0.5 4..10] 33638312.8 655503406.1 55.,. 61(2363250.4 18752529.3 
4 5..11) 31578121.9 623925284.2 | 56.. 62/2172660.4 16579868.9 
Lg 6..12] 29967437.3 593957846.9 | 57.. 63|1991892.4 14587976.5 
£4 7..13| 28593549.9 565364297.0 ' 58.. 64/1821039.5 12766937.0 
1 8..14] 27373953.1 537990343.9 59.. 65 1656589.9 11110347.1 
qa 9..15] 26255940.7 511734403.2 60., 6611498652.0 9611695,1 
Nl 10..16| 25204647.5 186529755,7 61... 67 1346506.5 8265188.6 
13 11..17] 24197263.1 462332492.6 ' 62.. 68 1204554.4 7060634.,2 
m8 12..18] 23217594.2 439114898.4 63.. 69 1073432,9 5987201.3 
3.3 13..19| 22272488.9 416842409,5 64.., 70 953083.2 5034118.1 
Bo 14..201 21360893.5 395481516.0 ' 65,. 71 842634.6 4191483.5 
i116 15..21 20478531.0 375002985.0 66.., 72 738312.9 3453170.6 
18. 16..22 19621751.6 355381233.4 67.. 73 639583.3 2813587.3 
4.8 fi7..23) 18790104.6 336591128.8 68.. 74 547037.6 2266549.7 
3 18..24 17989080.1 318602048.7 69.. 75 460770.2 1805779.5 
15.0 19..25 17220501.6 301381547.1 70.. 76 384747.4 1421032.1 
8.0 23.20 16480285.6 284901261.5 71.. 77 317772.4 1103259.7 
$5.3 21..27| 15770244.7 269131016.8 72.. 78 259166.7 844093.0 
#1 22..28 15086464.6 254044552.2 73.. 79 208959.8 635133.21 
19.65 23..29 14418090.1 239626462.1 74.. 80 164880.29 470252.92 
8.38 24..30" 13762945.9 225863516,2 75,. 81 127916.06 342336.86 
09.14 25..31| 13133263,7 212730252.5 76.. 82 97296.72 245040.14 
31.09 26,.32| 12528299.4 200201953.1 77.. 83 72814.49 172225.65 
19.90 27..33| 11951466.6 188250486.5 78.. 84 53578.38 118647.27 
31 276 28..34| 11397509.2 176852977.3 79.. 85 38996.13 79651.141 
126% 29..35 10857913.8 165995063.5 80.. 86 27526.921 52124.220 
36.306 30..36; 10330993.5 153664070.0 81,. 87 18931.219 33193.001 
18.293 31..37; 9823989.4 145840080.6 82.. 88 12478.151 20714.850 
3.690 32..38] 9338033,7 136502046.9 83,. 89 8121.826 12593.024 
19.300 33..39] 8873998.4 127628048.5 84.. 90 5252 .835 7340.189 
0.57 34..40! 8427638.4 119200410.1 85., 91 3172.209 4167.,9802 
54.5599 35..41| 7993769.6 111206640.5 86.. 92  1814.2729 2353.7073 
21.101 36..42| 7575522.6 103631117.9 87.. 93  1022.8774 1330.8299 
19.39% 37..43] 7172674.7 96458443.,2 88,, Y4 576.5657 754.2642 
559.5711 38..44| 6787725.8 89670717.4 89., 95 327.5393 426.7249 
a 39..45| 6420006.9 83250710.5 90.. 96 191.2681 235.4568 
11636 40..46| 6067781,5 77182929.0 !' 91.. 97 107.4610 127.99578 
MAIS 41.,47| 5728288.5 71454640.5 92.. 98 57.96173 70.03405 
0 4604 42,.48| 5404738.3 66049902.2 93,. 99 31.83474 38.199310 
1, 04759 43..49] 5099831.4 60950070.8 94.,100 18.731822 19.467488 
5.1550 44.,50f 4812330.8 56137740,0 95.,101 10.608637 8.858851 
« ill 45..51| 4541263.2 51596476.8  96..102 5.640283] 3.218568 
58488 46..52| 4281621.1 47314855.7 97,.103 2.571341 -647227 
8 47..531 4033069.8 43281785.9 
48..54| 3796114.6 39485671.3 
49..55| 3572786.8 35912884.5 
50..56' 3359942.6 32552941.9 

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