Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &e. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Carlisle 4% per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Forty-Four Years— continued. 
a Ages. D. N. ! Ages D. N. 
1721, fo Ee et eee} ree se ee J 
5] 28 & 72| 517804.7 2871200.8 44 & 881 23137.41 58169.44 
10.9 29... 731 457732.0 2413468.8 43. 89 17018.22 41151.22 
1084, 30.. 74| 399835.4 2013633.4 46.. 90 12671.00 28480.22 
133.4 3l.. 75, 344600.8 1669032.6 47.. 91 8774.66 19705.558 
! 32.. 76) 295217.8 1373814.8 48.. 92! 5910.131 13795.427 
1993.57 23 Ln ann ; 
orp 33.. 77] 250848.2 | 1122966.6 | 49.. 93, 4015.308 9780.119 
29.53 34.. 78] 212104.2 . 910662.4 50.. 942807 .277 6972.842 
SI 5 33.. 79) 179046.4 731815.99 ° 51.. 95] 1987.758 4985.084 
_— 36.. 80| 149499.12 582316.87 52., 96] 1437.480 3547.604 
37.. 81} 124321.98 457994.89 53.. 97° 1060.176 2487 ,428 
i 38.. 82] 101930.50 356064.39 54.. 98 776.329 1711.099 
54% 39.. 83] 82882.13 273182.26  55.. 99, 573.844 1137.2545 
Bs = 40.. 84] 66546.22 206636.04 56..100, 441.2387 696.0158 
fos.8 41.. 85] 52872.07 153763.97 57..101, 322.1674 373.8484 
17 42,. 86] 41152.09 112611.88 38..102 215.6083 158.2401 
A0544,38 43.. 87+ 31305.03 81306.85 59..103 120.7977 37.4424 
01.32 - 
) ] 740 . . 
re Difference of Age Forty-Five Years. 
925.661 = 
887.053 Ages. D. N. Ages, D. N. 
1897.706 Ee 
82.007 0 & 45) 6521576, 57916321.3 i 30 & 75 348117.7 1687305.1 
10. 1.. 46] 5202008.6  52714202.7 | 31.. 76 298261.9 1389043.2 
75.800 2.. 47] 4509013.2  48205209.5  32.. 77 253415.4 1135627.8 
a 3.. 48] 3975812.4 44220397. 10833. . 780214257 .,7 921370.1 
sg 4.. 49] 3609240.0 40620157,1 34.. 79 180882,9 740487.16 
ti = 59 2 
Rr Ses 50 3308713.7 37311443.4 35.. 80 151048.48 589438.68 
53.5700 6.. 51 3068139.3 34243304.1 36.. 81 125647.83 463790.85 
3, 16 7.. 52) 2858508.7  31384795.4 37.. 82 103049.10 360741.75 
bs 8.. 53! 2670139.1 28714656.3 38.. 83 83318.11 276923.64 
D vie 54] 2497357 .1 26217299.2 39.. 84 67346.09 209577.55 
10.. 55 2337496.3 23879802.9 !' 40.. 85 53568.73 156008.82 
11.. 56 2186886.6 , 21692916.3 | 41.. 86 41726.90 114281.92 
12.. 57) 2043056.6 19649859,7 42.. 8&7 31761+53 82520.39 
13.. 58, 1904651.7  17745208.0 ' 43.. 88 23479.79 59040.60 
14.. 59! 1769297.6 15975910.4 44.. 89 17273.84 41766.76 
1511.6 15.. 60 1636147.0 14339763.4 | 45., 90 12861.47 28905.29 
053500. 1 16.. 61, 1503889.9 12835873.5 46.,::91 8906.63 19998.,662 
1280.7 17.. 62 1378320.8  11457552.7 | 47.. 92 5997.718 14000, 944 
5779 3 18.. 63] 1260848.9 10196703.8 1 48.., 93 4072.053 9928.891 
RG 19. 64l 115232415 9044379.3 « 49.. 94 284.223 7082.668 
1018.3 20.. 65, 1051423.4 7992955.9 50..:95 2014.792 5067.876 
poy 21.. 66; 957995.3 7034960.6 * 51.. 96 1458,322 3609.554 
PRET 8 22. 67] 871682.0 6163278.6 | 52.., 97 1076.539 2533.015 
ee 23.. 68 791543.8  5371734.8 . 53.. 98 789.072 1743.943 
pny 24.. 69 717187.0  4654547.8 + 54.. 99 583.708 1160.234Y 
J 25.. 70] 647970.7  4006577.1 55..100 449.2913 710.9436 
we 26.. 71 583743.0 3422834,1 56.,,101 328.4072 382.5364 
Re 27.. 72 521858.6  2900975.5 57..102 220.2102 162.3262 
a 28.. 73, 461748.7  2439226.8 58..103 123.7944 38.5318 
- 29.. 74 403804.0 2035422.8 

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