Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4% per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Forty-Seven Years—continued. 
MIS) ty NJ Aen SED. _ 3 
Sir. 32 & 79| 184589.4 757324.02 | 45& 92] 6179.426 14418,806 
es 33., 80| 154147.20  603176.82  46.. 93| 4194.546 | 10224.260 
NN7.88 34.. 81| 128252.17  474924.65  47.. 94] 2929.9221 7295.039 
30.04 35.. 82| 105227.45  369697.20  48.. 95| 2071.611 5223.4928 
oe 36.. 83] 85641.64  284055.56  49,. 96] 1498.664 3724.764 
oaL% 37.. 84] 68854.03  215201.53  50.. 97| 1107.002 2617.762 
had. 38.. 85| 54824.82  160376.71  5l.. 98] 812.869 1804.893 
144.3% 39.. 86° 42784.86  117591.85  52.. 99 602.444 1202.4493 
SR 40., 87, 32629.52 84962.33  53..100] 464.5140 737.9353 
19948.08 41., 88 24154.92 60807.41 1 54..101, 340.1477 397.7876 
Wri) 42.. 89 17785.07 43022,34  55..102; 228.5718 169.2158 
3990.74 43.. 90! 13247.82 29774.52 | 56..103' 128,8853 40,3305 
241.39 44,, 91° 9176.29 20598.232 
Bd 65 
208.243 . . 
5.586 Difference of Age Forty-Eight Years. 
146,538 Ages. D. N. - Ages. D. N. 
166g. 502 EE Eo 
575.35 0 & 48] 5465786. 4659%911.6 | 28 & 76 306966.8 1434199.8 
50 1.. 49] 4363786.7  42235124.9 | 29.. 77, 261208.6 1172991.2 
181.8130 2.. 50] 3786741.8  38448383.1 Ff 30.. 78 220914.0 952077.2 
m4 00 3.4 51 3342966.6  35105416.5 31,. 79 186492.8 765584.36 
2904 4,.. 52 3033643.3  32071773.2 | 32.. 80! 155724.73 609859.63 
5.34 5. 53| 2776764.8  29295008,4 33.. 81 129554.34 480305.29 
0.41 6.. 54' 2567742.9  26727265.5 34.. 82, 106306.80 373998.49 
7.. 55, 2385983.1  24341282.4 35.. 83 86529,19 287469.30 
s., 56! 2222592.1  22118690.3 36.., 84 69588,33 217880.97 
9., 57 2072744.7  20045945.6 37.. 85 55426.48 162454.49 
10.. 58 1932168.6  18113777.0 k 38.. 86  43268.02 119186.47 
5 11.. 59, 1796109.4  16317667.6 39.. 87] 33021.71 86164.76 
| 12.. 60 1662117.5  14655550.1 ! 40.. 88] 24473.19 61691.57 
5h 13.. 61 1529591.1  13125959.0 * 41.. 89' 18033.49 43658. 08 
a0 8 14., 62' 1404030.0  11721929.0 - 42,. 90 13441.01 30217.07 
4311.8 15.. 63, 1286163.9  10435765.1 | 43.. 91 9312.08 20904.993 
0702.0 16.. 64] 1176374.2 9259390.9 | 44.. 92 6272.242 14632.751 
8681.3 17.. 65| 1073694.9 8185696.0 | 45., 93  4257.595 10375.156 
3041 2 18.. 66| 978432.0 7207264.0 ' 46.. 94  2973.274 7401.882 
wes 1 19.. 671 890262.4 6317001.6 - 47.. 95  2102.312 5299.570 
79396, 20.. 68 808402.2 5508599.4 48.. 96. 1519.842 3779.728 
1517 21.. 69 732448.7 4776150.7 49., 97. 1122.360 2657 .368 
l§75d8 0 22.. 70 661858.1 4114292.6 50... 98, 823.924 1833.444 
i. 23.. 71 596446.2 3517846.4 51... 99 611.180 1222.2641 
ps 24.. 72 533389.4 2984457.0  52..100, 471.6840 750.5801 
@ 25.. 73, 472272.1 2512184.9  53..101, 345.7307 404.8494 
26. . 74 413583.7 2098601.2  54,.102, 232.5001 172.3193 
27.. 75! 357434.6 1741166.6  53..103 131.2375 41.1118 

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