Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

ieee TABLE XXX. 
Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4% per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Forty-Nine Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 49 5157531. 43235941.3 § 28 & 77 263500.7 1185211.1 
1.. 50! 4118732.9 39117208.4 29.. 78: 223106.7 962104 .4 
2.. 51 3575053.1 35542155.3' 30.. 79 188396.0 773708.37 
3.. 52 3153289.8 32338865.5 3l.. 80 157330.43 616377 .94 
4,. 53! 2858879.0 29529986.5 32.. 81 130886.19 485497.75 
5.. 54' 2614282.2 26915704.3 , 33.. 82 107386.15 378111.60 
6.. 55° 2415654.0 24500050.3 34., 83 87416.76 290694 .84 
7.. 561 2242315.2 22257735.1 35.. 84 70209.52 220485.32 
8.. 571 2086471.5 20171263.6 | 36.. 85 56017.58 164467 .74 : 
9.. 58 1942038.8 18229224.8 «+ 37.., 86 43742.86 120724.88 ls 
10.. 59: 1804208.7 16425016.1 . 38.. 87 33394.63 87330.25 ig 
11.. 60 1670168.4 14754847.7 | 39.. 88 24767.35 62562.90 
12.. 61 1537277.6 13217570.1 | 40.. 89 18271.10 44291.80 
13... 62 1411343.7 11806226.4 : 41., 90 13628.74 30663.06 
14.. 63 1293309.3 10512917.1 | 42.. 91 9447.87 21215.192 
15.. 64 1183701.9 9329215.2 | 43.. 92 6365.059 14850.133 
16.. 65 1080946.0 §248269.2 44.. 93] 4321.544 10528.589 
i7.. 66] 985244.3 7263024.9 45... 94) 3017.965 7510.624 
18.. 671 896504.1 6366520.8 46.. 95 2133.928 5376.696 
19.. 68 814110.2 5552410.6 | 47.. 96 1542.366 3834.330 
20.. 69] 737657.2 4814753.4 7 48., 97 1138.222 2696.108 
21.. 70] 666487 .2 4148266.2 49... 98 835.354 1860.754 
22.. 71° 600647.2 35647619.0 | 50.. 99 619.492 1241.2618 
23.. 72008537172.8 3010446.2 51..100, 478.5233 762.7385 
24, . 73 475646.0 2534800.4 1 52,.101 351.0673 411.6712 
25.. 74 416630.9 2118169,3 53..102 236.3163 175.3549 
26.. 75 360087.5 17568081.8 * 54..103 133.4929 41.8620 
27...76°°309370.0 1448711.8 
Difference of Age Fifty Years. 
” = = ar, 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. I, 
0 & 50 4867903  40056021.5 17 & 67! 902746.1 6415647 .5 3 
1.. 51 3888485.1 36167536.4 © 18.. 68 819818.1 5595829.4 a 
2.. 52 3372208.0 32795328.4 19.. 69 742865.7 4852963.7 
3e.. 531 2971632.8 29823695.6 | 20.. 70 671226.6 4181737.1 
4.., 54 2691591.7 27132103.9 t 21.. 71 604848.3 3576888.8 
5.. 55 2459436.9  24672667,.0 | 22., 72 540956.4 3035932.4 ) 
6.. 56 2270199.7  22402467.3 | 23.. 73 479020.0 2556912 .4 2 
7.0 57 2104986.8 20297480.5 t+ 24., 74 419607.6 2137304.8 Hu 
8.. 58 1954900.0 18342580.5 J 25.. 75 362740.9 1774563.9 . 
9.. 59 1813425.3 165291556.2 © 26.. 76: 311666.3 1462897.6 i 
10.. 60 1677699.8 14851455.4 27.. 77 265563.6 1197334.0 } 
11.. 61 1544723.9 13306731.5 28.. 78 225064.5 972269.5 
12.. 62 1418435.9 11888295.6 29.. 79 190266.0 782003.51 3 
13.. 63 1300046.3 10588249.3 30.. 80 158936.14 623067.37 
14.. 64 1190278.1 9397971.21 3l.. 81 132229.72 490837.65 
15.. 65 1087679.4 8310291.8 32.. 82 108485.14 382352.51 
16.. 66 991898.2 7318393.6 ' 33.. 83 88304.32 294048.19 

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