Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Carlisle 4% per Cent.) 
v Difference of Age Fifty Years—continued. 
104.4 Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
13708,37 — ee ————— ee ————— ee ———— — ——— 
18377.4 34& 84! 71030.71 © 223017.48 | 44 & 94  3063.297 7621.323 
45497.15 35.. 85| 56598.12 166419.36 | 45.. 95, 2166.004 5455.319 
i” 36.. 86 44209.35 12221001 | 46.. 2% 1565.562 3889.757 
Rr 37..:87. 33761.10 88448.91 | 47.. 971 1155.090 2734.667 
al 38.. 88 25047.05 63401.86 1 48.. 981 847.161 1887.506 
i 39.. 89 18490.72 44911.14  49.. 99| 628.087 12594187 
WAS 40.. 90 13003.32 31107.82 ' 50..100| 485.0316 774.3871 
am. d41.. 91 9579.83 21527.989 51..101 356.1576 418.2295 
5600 42.. 92, 6457.874  15070.115 | 52.102) 239.9640 178.2655 
9.9 43.. 93! 4385.495 10684.620 ! 53.,103! 135.6840 42.5815 
st. Difference of Age Fifty-One Years. 
56.63 : - | 
WH. Ages. | D. N. Ages. D. N. 
Wha 0& 51) 4595775.  37047057.7 | 27 & 78 226826.5 982101.4 
Fal 1.. 52] 3667856.0  33379201.7 | 28.. 79 191935.5 790165.88 
HL. 3 2.. 53 3177939.4  30201262.3 ' 29.. 80 160513.65  629652.23 
Toi. I28 3.. 54 2797747.5  27403514.8 | 30.. 81 133579.24  496072.99 
una 4.. 55 2532167.0  24871347.8 | 31.. 82 109603.74  386469.25 
{Ls 5.. 56! 2311346,2  22560001.6 | 32.. 83 89208.03  297261.22 
6.. 57, 2131163.4  20428838.2 33.. 84 71751.90  225509.32 
7.. 58) 1972247.7  18456590.5 34.. 85 57178.67 168330.65 
Bes 39) 1825434.7  16631155.8 | 35.. 86 44667.52 123663.13 
9.. 60 1686270,1  14944885.7 . 36.. 87 34121.15 89541,98 
10.. 61 1551689.5  13393196.2 | 37,, 88 25321.92 64220.06 
11.. 62 1425306.4  11967889.8 38.. 89 18699.53 45520.53 
12.. 63 1306579.2  10661310.6 39., 90 13974.29 31546.24 
B65 13.. 64, 1196478.3  9464832.3 40.. 91 9706.06 21840.180 
EO, 14,. 65° 1093722.0  8371110,3 41.. 92  6548.675 15292,105 
pros 15.. 66] 998076.7  7373033.6 | 42,. 93, 4449.44  10842.661 
968.9 16.. 67 908842.8 6464190.8 | 43.. Y4 ~~ 3108.626 7734.035 
17.. 68, 825526.0 5638664.8 . 44,, 95  2198.537 5535.498 
93.4 I8.. 69 748074.0  4890590.8 | 45.. 96]  1589.094 3946. 404 
B34 19.. 70: 675966.0  4214624.8 . 46,. 97'  1172.461 2773.943 
1563. 20.. 71 609149.3  3605475.5 | 47.. ol 859.715 1914.228 
1807 21.. 72 544740.0  3060735.5 48.. 99; 636.964 1277.2642 
rel 22.. 73 482394.0  2578341.5 49,.100] 491.7605 785.5037 
oct 23.. 74 422583.8  2155757.7 50..101] 361.0015 424.5022 
i 24.. 751 365332.3  1790425.4 51..102 243.4433 181.0589 
a Pai 70) 313962.7 1476462.7 | 52.,103 137.7784 43.2805 
26.. 77! 267534.8  1208927.9 

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