Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 44 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Two Years. 
Ages. D. N. * Ages. D. N. 
) 0 & 52] 4335015. 34202385 .9 26 & 78 228510.2 1 99]1561.3 
1.. 53] 3456555.5 30745830.4 1 27.. 79 193438.2 | 798123.12 
2.. 54] 2991982.2 27753848.2 28.. 80] 161922.16 636200.96 
3...:9912632035.3 25121812.9 29.,. 81 134905.08 + 501295.88 
4.0 56] 2379696 .9 22742116.0 30... 82 110722.35 390573.53 
5.. 57; 2169789.8 20572326 .2 | 31.. 83, 90127.86 300445.67 
Go. 58] 1996773.6 18575552.6 | 32,, 84 72486.21 227959.46 
7.. 59 1841633.4 16733919.2 ! 33... 85 57759.22 170200.24 
8.. 60 1697437.5 15036481.7 | 34.. 86 45125.69 125074.55 
9.., 61 1559616.1 13476865.6 : 35.. 87 34474.77 90599.78 
10.. 6291431733.7 12045131.9 36... 88 25591.96 65007 .82 
11.. 63 1312908.0 10732223,.9 | 37.. 89 18904.74 46103.08 
12.. 64 1202490.9 9529733.0 | 38... 90 14132.10 31970.98 
13...65 '1099419.3 8430313 .78839. . 91 9822.72 22148.264 
14.. 66 1003621.5 7426692.2 40,. 92 6634 .354 15513.910 
15.. 67 914504.0 6512188.2 {| 41.. 93 4511.592 11002.318 
16.. 68 831101.1 5681087.1 | 42.. 94 3153,956 7848.362 
17.. 69! 753282.5 4927804.6 ' 43.. 95 2231.071 5617.291 
18... 70! 680705.3 4247099.3 | 44... 96 1612.962 4004.329 
19... 71 613450.4 3633648.9 45.. 97 1190.084 2814.245 
20. , 72, 548613.6 3085035.3 ' 46.. 98 872.644 1941.601 
21.. 73 485767.9 2599267.4 47.. 99] 646,402 1295,1985 
922...74  425560,.4 2173707.0 48..100, 498.7100 796.4885 
23.2: 7500367923 .8 1805783.2 49..101 366.0098 430,4787 
94.. 760316205 .7 1489577.5 50..102 246.7542 183.7245 
25.. 77 269506.0 1220071 .5051,.103 139.7761 43.9484 
Difference of Age Fifty-Three Years. 
Ages. D. N. ' Ages. D. N. 
0 & 53 4085280. 31516404.6 | 19 & 72 552487.2 3109996 .4 - 
1.. 54 3254294.9 28262109.7 § 20.. 73 489222.2 2620774.2 
2..°55 2814765.3 25447344.4 21... 74 428536.8 2192237 .4 
S..:86 2473551.9 29973792.5 22.. 75 370515.2 1821722.2 
4.. 57 2233934.7 20739837.8 23.. 76 318448.6 1503273.6 
5. 58 2032964.3 18706873.5 24.. 77 271430.3 1231843.3 
6... D9 1864535.2 16842338.3 | 25.. 78 230193.9 1001649.4 
7.. 60 1712500.4 15129837.9 96... 79 195874.0 805775.43 
8.. 61 1569944.7 13559893.2 27.. 80 163189.582 642585.61 
9.. 62 1439047.5 12120845.7 28.. 81 136088.87 506496.74 
10.. 63] 1318824.4 10802021.3 29.. 82 111821.32 394675.42 
11. 64, 1208315.5 9593705.8 30.. 83' 91047.70 303627.72 
12.. 65, 1104944.,1 8488761.7 31.. 84 73233.62 230394.10 
13... 66] 1008849.5 7479912.20032,, 85 58350.33 172043.77 
14.. 67 919584.6 6560327.6 33.. 86 45583 .86 126459.91 
15. 68, 836278.2 5724049.4 34.. 87 34828.38 91631.53 
16,, 69 758369.7 4965679.7 35.. 88 26857.19 65774.34 
17.. 70 685444.7 4280235.0 36.. 89, 19106.35 46667 .99 
18... 71617751 .4 3662483.6 37.. 90 14287.19 32380.80

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