Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Jt Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4} per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fiftv-Three Years—continued. 
Ages. D.. N. Ages, D. N. 
1361.3 38 & 91 9933.65 | 92447.145 1 45 & 98 885.761 1969.846 
143,12 39,, 92| 6714,097 156733.048 | 46, . 99 656.123 1313.7232 
200,96 40., 93| 4571.038 ! 11162.010 47..100" 506.1007 807.6225 
1293.88 41.. 94] 3198.010 7964.000 48..101 371.1822 436.4403 
3.53 124 99, 2263.604 5700.396 1 49..102 250.1775 186.2628 
445,67 43., 96 1636,830 4063.566 | 50..103 141.6771 44,5857 
1%9.4 44,., 97 1207.959 2855 .607 
V0.4 — 
Ki % . . 
PS Difference of Age Fifty-Four Years, 
103.08 Ages. . N. Ages. D. N. 
970.9 — — ee —— ——————————  —— 
{148.084 0 & H4| 3846230. 28979652.1 «25 & 79] 196309.9 813119.57 
313.91 1.. 55] 3061541.1 25918111.0 26... 80] 164401.14 648718.43 
ia a 2.. 56] 2645279.2  23272831.8 27.. 81| 137154.29  511564.14 
ais 3.. 57] 2322061.5 | 20950770.3 28.. 82| 112802.55 398761.59 
hii 4.. 58! 2093083.0  18857687.3 29.. 83| 91951.40 306810.19 
04.30 5.. 59) 1898329.1  16959338.2 30. 84 73981.03 232829.16 
R14 25 6.. 60, 1733796.3 15225561.9031., 3300858951.99 173877.17 
7.. 61) 1583876.3  13641685.6 32.. 86. 46050.37  127826.80 
141.501 8.. 62 1448577.7 12193107.9 33.. 87 35182.01 92644.79 
193.198 9.. 63! 1325565.5 10867542.4 34.. 88 26122.41 66522.38 
ig 10., 64 1213764.2 9633778.2 35.. 89] 19304.36 47218.02 
5108 11.. 6501110296.1 8543482.1 36.. 90] 14439.56 32778.46 
aust 12... 66 1013919.2 7529562.9 37.. 91] 10042.66 22735.798 
- 13.. 67] 924374.7 6605188.2 38.. 92 6789.918 15945 .880 
14.. 68 840924.2 5764264.0 39., 93 4625.982 11319.898 
15's 69] 763093,7 5001170.3 !} 40.. 94 3240.148 8079.750 
16.. 70, 690073.8 4311096.5 * 41.. 95 2295,223 5784.527 
17.. 71} 622052.4 3689044.1 42... 96 1660.700 4123.827 
' 18.., 72] 556360.8 3132683.30043.., 97 1225.834 2897.993 
ok 4 19.., 73] 492676.5 2640006.8 44... 98 899.064 1998.929 
{10066 i 
mg 20.. 74| 431584.1  2208422.7 1 45.. 99, 665.986 1332.9429 
19037 4 21.. 73] 373106.3 1835316.2 46. -100, 513.7121 819.2308 
ITH 22.. 76108320691.6 1514624.6 47..101 376.6830 442.5478 
hy 23.. 77] 273356.7  1241267.9 - 48..102) 253.7131 188.8347 
24., 78 231838.4 1009429.5 49..103 143.6427 45.1920 
31843.3 _ . 
7649.4 ) . . 
6775.43 Difference of Age Fifty-Five Years. 
2583.61 —_— : EE 
548.14 Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
4675.42 ——— nr er pn res emt ee 
0367.72 0& 55; 3618415, 26587897 .4 8 & 63. 1334344.0 10932760.0 
B0304.10 l1.. 56) 2877195.9 23710701.5 9,. 64 1219964.6 9712795.4 
as.IT 2.. 57| 2483271.4 21227430.1 10.. 65 1115303.0 8597492.4 
1540.91 3.. 58] 2175633,9 19051796.2 ' 11.. 66' 1018830.4 7578662.0 
i 4., 59| 1954466.4  17097329.8 12., 67, 929019.9  6649642,1 
sid d.. 60| 1765220.7 15332109.1 13.., 68 845304.7 5804337 .4 
{667 90 6.. 611 1603572.8 13728536.3 14., 69, 767333.1 5037004.3 
7.. 6291451432.3 12267104.0 + 15., 70  694372.,3 4342632.0 
Tn 9

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