Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
iat Lives (Carlisle 4% per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Seven Years. 
Ages, D. | N. v Ages, D. N. 
: 0& 57, 3192276. 22210768.7 | 24 & 81] 140184.81 525564.51 
1.. 58] 2530662.3  19680106.4 ! 25,. 82 115373.39 410191.12 
B79 2.. 59] 2172591.2  17507515.2 | 26.. 83, 94178.36 316012.76 
Tl 3.. 60] 1889100.5  15618414.7 | 27.. 84] 75961.04 240051.72 
165.50 4.. 61' 1680916.9  13937497.8 | 28.. 85' 60672.52 179379.20 
015.927 5.. 62, 1506423.2  12431074.6 | 29.. 86 47466.53 131912.67 
151.495 6.. 63] 1362925.4  11068149.2 | 30.. 87 36275.03 95637 .64 
gL 7.. 64 1238941.3 9829207.9 | 31.. 88, 26932.56 68705.08 
OL 1 8.. 65 1128424.1 8700783.8 | 32.. 89) 19902.00 48803.08 
IT 9.. 66 1028652.7 7672131.1 | 33.. 90' 14888.50 33914.58 
H84 817 10.. 67 937729.4 6734401.7 } 34.. 91 10360.14 23554.,440 
841.106 11.. 68 853667.4 5880734.3 | 35.. 92,  7009.539 16544.901 
_ 12.. 69. 775206.3 5105528.0 | 36.. 93,  4780.000 11764.901 
ail 13.. 70! 701867.0 4403661.0 | 37.. 94°  3352.515 8412.386 
yi 14.. 71" 633655.3 3770005.7 | 38.. 95  2379.993 6032.393 
rp 15., 72 0567531.3 3202474.4 | 39.. 96] 1726.589 4305.804 
3.40 16.. 73° 502958.9 2699515.5 | 40.. 97| 1277.699 3028.105 
17.. 74 440726.0 2258789.5 | 41.. 98, 938.604 2089.501 
go 18.. 75| 381066. 1 1877723.4 ! 42.. 5) 695.995 1393.5055 
19.. 76! 327527.3 1550196.1 | 43..100 537.0976 856.4079 
20.. 77] 279178.8 1271017.3 44..101 393.9244 462.4835 
21.. 78 236771.9 1034245.4 1 45..102 265.2736 197.2099 
22.. 79 200517.3 §33728.074 46..103 150.0547 47.1552 
23.. 80' 167978.75 66574932 
t Difference of Age Fifty-Eight Years. 
1969. 16 Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
A —_— 
05540,31 0 & 58| 2990973. 20214512.5 1 23 & 81 141179.19 529896.55 
1364.73 l.. 59] 2363066.6  17851445.9 24,. 82 116197.62 413698.93 
137593.78 2.. 60] 2020251.9  15831194.0 25.. 83 94872.27 $18826.66 
i 3.. 61) 1747212.0  14083982.0 | 26.. 84 76524.87 242301.79 
a 4.. 62' 1550970.9  12533011.1 } 27., 85 61147.52 181154.27 
140.46 5.. 63| 1387628.0  11145383.1 28.. 86 47883.05 133271.22 
7982.78 6.. 64] 1254348.2 9891034.9  29.. 87, 36635.07 96636.15 
0.3 7.. 65 1138437.7 8752597.2 30.. 88  27207.43 69428.72 
oy 8.. 66] 1035464.9 7717132.3 , 31.. 89, 20107.22 49321.50 
3543.53 9.. 67" 942519.7 6774612.6 F 32.. 90! 15040.87 34280.63 
Tt 10.. 68] 837516.9 5917095.7 33.. 91 10465.33 23815.304 
62.974 11.. 69 775961.2 5138134.5 34.. 92 7081.438 16733.866 
05.050 12.. 70, 705394.1 4432740.4  35.. 93  4829.538 11904.328 
13.. 71  636956.1 3795784.3 36.. 94  3385.269 8516.059 
051.84 14.. 72' 570684.2 3225100.1 37.. 95°  2406.112 6109.947 
ri 15.. 781 506091.9 ~~ 2719008.2 38.. 96  1746.086 4363.861 
ie 16.. 74  443702.5 2275305.7 39.. 97  1293.036 3070.805 
prop 17.. 75 383719.2 1891586.5 40.. 9% 950.972 2119.833 
{34- 18.. 76  329823.7 1561762.8 41.. 99 705.717 1414.1156 
3.1985 19.. 77) 281150.0 1280612.8  42..100 544.9297 869.1859 
per 20.. 78| 238455.6  1042157.2 | 43..101 399.7536 469.4323 
Hs 21.. 79] 201919.6 840237.64: 44..102 269.2579 200.1744 
ws 22.. 80! 169151.90 671075.74 45..103 152.3101 47.8643 

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